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Stream: lean4

Topic: child process

Arthur Paulino (Jun 26 2022 at 20:13):

Hello! I'm trying to spawn a python child process and let the user use Python's REPL via my binary.

I'm doing this:

def List.pop : (l : List α)  l  []  α × Array α
  | a :: as, _ => (a, as⟩)

def spawn (cmd : String) : IO Unit := do
  let cmd := cmd.splitOn " "
  if h : cmd  [] then
    let (cmd, args) := cmd.pop h
    let _  IO.Process.spawn {
      cmd := cmd
      args := args

And then calling spawn "python". It almost works, except that the input/output gets buggy (I don't understand what happens).

How can I make this happen smoothly? The full code is here.

Thanks in advance!!!

Arthur Paulino (Jun 27 2022 at 00:35):

Ah, I had to use wait :D

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC