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Stream: lean4

Topic: contrapose

Aron (May 28 2022 at 10:17):

Does contraposition not exist yet?

Aron (May 28 2022 at 11:20):

Actually, does contradiction exist yet??

Sébastien Michelland (May 28 2022 at 11:30):

It's built in the theory (the calculus of constructions). The definition of ¬P is P → False, where False is an absurd fact. Hence, ¬P is itself the statement of the contradiction theorem for P. If you have, let's say, h₁: ¬P and h₂: P then h₁ h₂ is of type False and can prove anything (many tactics do this automatically, but you can also use nomatch for that).

Contraposition works in a similar fashion:

theorem contraposition {P Q: Prop} (h: P  Q): ¬Q  ¬P :=
  fun not_Q P => not_Q (h P)

Once you unfold the definitions, you are left with P → Q, Q → False and P to prove False, which is straightforward.

Aron (May 28 2022 at 12:50):

Yes, but if I'm trying to prove by contraposition, how would I do that? There should be some command to add a hypothesis that is the negation of the current goal and to replace the current goal with False.

Aron (May 28 2022 at 12:50):

Sorry, I mean contradiction.

Sébastien Michelland (May 28 2022 at 12:54):

That would be docs4#Classical.byContradiction.

Aron (May 28 2022 at 13:03):

leanpkg doesn't seem to exist on my system?

error: toolchain 'leanprover/lean4:stable' does not have the binary `/Users/atobi16/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---stable/bin/leanpkg`

Sébastien Michelland (May 28 2022 at 13:05):

I'm not sure about the distribution, but since this is in Init you should have it automatically in any Lean4 script:

#check Classical.byContradiction
-- Classical.byContradiction : (¬?m.28684 → False) → ?m.28684

Aron (May 28 2022 at 13:08):

It's indeed there, but it still doesn't want to work in my proof.

#check Classical.byContradiction
def exunique (p : α  Prop) :=  (x : α), (p x   y, p y  x = y)

syntax "∃!" term "," term: term
| `(∃! $t:term, $p:term) => `(exunique (fun $t => $p))

class incidence (point line: Type) (inc:point  line  Prop) :=
(one:  P Q, P  Q  ∃! l, inc P l  inc Q l)
(two:  l,  P Q, P  Q  inc P l  inc Q l)
(three:  P Q R, P Q Q R P R  l, ¬(inc P l  inc Q l  inc R l))

theorem t1
(point line:Type)
(inc:point  line  Prop)
[i: incidence point line inc]:
 l m,
l  m
 ( P, inc P l  inc P m)
 (∃! P, inc P l  inc P m)
:= by
intro l m hlnm hex
cases hex with | intro P hPlm =>
rw [exunique]
exists P
apply And.intro
exact hPlm
cases hPlm with | intro hPl hPm =>
intro Q
intro hQlm; cases hQlm with | intro hQl hQm =>
trying.lean:31:1 <- last line
unknown tactic

Julian Berman (May 28 2022 at 13:13):

leanpkg doesn't seem to exist on my system?

Lean 4 uses lake rather than leanpkg. See e.g. https://leanprover.github.io/lean4/doc/quickstart.html#create-a-lean-project.

Sébastien Michelland (May 28 2022 at 13:27):

It's a theorem, you need to apply it. The full tactic would be apply Classical.byContradiction.

Henrik Böving (May 28 2022 at 14:00):

Aron said:

It's indeed there, but it still doesn't want to work in my proof.

#check Classical.byContradiction
def exunique (p : α  Prop) :=  (x : α), (p x   y, p y  x = y)

syntax "∃!" term "," term: term
| `(∃! $t:term, $p:term) => `(exunique (fun $t => $p))

class incidence (point line: Type) (inc:point  line  Prop) :=
(one:  P Q, P  Q  ∃! l, inc P l  inc Q l)
(two:  l,  P Q, P  Q  inc P l  inc Q l)
(three:  P Q R, P Q Q R P R  l, ¬(inc P l  inc Q l  inc R l))

theorem t1
(point line:Type)
(inc:point  line  Prop)
[i: incidence point line inc]:
 l m,
l  m
 ( P, inc P l  inc P m)
 (∃! P, inc P l  inc P m)
:= by
intro l m hlnm hex
cases hex with | intro P hPlm =>
rw [exunique]
exists P
apply And.intro
exact hPlm
cases hPlm with | intro hPl hPm =>
intro Q
intro hQlm; cases hQlm with | intro hQl hQm =>

trying.lean:31:1 <- last line
unknown tactic

are you familiar with proof writing in Lean 3 or 4 already, if not I'd recommend to read theorem proving in Lean 4 before starting with this.

Aron (May 28 2022 at 15:35):

I've read up. Still managing to stumble over myself.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC