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Stream: lean4

Topic: data from constructor

Elisabeth Bonnevier (Jan 10 2023 at 14:23):

I have defined my own natural numbers and like so:

inductive le : MyNat  MyNat  Prop
  | zero_le : {n : MyNat}  le zero n
  | succ_le : {m n : MyNat}  le m n  le (succ m) (succ n)

I am now trying to prove that succ m ≤ succ n → m ≤ n. In words what I want to say is that succ m ≤ succ n must have been constructed by succ_le and that constructor requires a proof that m ≤ n, which we use as our proof that m ≤ n. How do I say this in Lean4?

Sky Wilshaw (Jan 10 2023 at 14:25):

You can use induction on your m ≤ n hypothesis.

Sky Wilshaw (Jan 10 2023 at 14:26):

I think in this case, cases might also work.

Elisabeth Bonnevier (Jan 10 2023 at 14:29):

I don't have m ≤ n as a hypothesis. That is my goal

Sky Wilshaw (Jan 10 2023 at 14:29):

Sorry, I meant the succ m ≤ succ n hypothesis.

Sky Wilshaw (Jan 10 2023 at 14:30):

Applying induction allows you to essentially solve the goal for all of the different ways an object could have been constructed. In your case, there's only one non-contradictory way to construct a proof of succ m ≤ succ n.

Elisabeth Bonnevier (Jan 10 2023 at 14:32):

It worked with cases. Thank you! :pray:

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 10 2023 at 16:29):

This was one of the candidate definitions for <= in the natural number game but tests indicated that people found doing induction on inequalities too confusing! I do think it's a beautiful approach but IIRC it was quite hard to verify the standard axioms for <= on nat using it (maybe antisymmetry was hard?)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC