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Stream: lean4
Topic: decidable instance for list
Jesse Slater (Apr 16 2023 at 15:52):
I have written a function that returns prop, and I want to use it to filter a list. To do that, I trying to write an instance of Decidable for it.
def vecLE {n : ℕ} (v1 v2 : Vector ℕ n) : Prop :=
Vector.map₂ (· ≤ ·) v1 v2
|>.foldl And True
instance decideableVecLE {n : ℕ} (v1 v2 : Vector ℕ n) : Decidable (vecLE v1 v2) :=
def getValid {n : ℕ} (v : Vector ℕ n) (l : List (Vector ℕ n)): List (Vector ℕ n) :=
l.filter (vecLE v · |> Decidable.decide)
I have been having trouble figuring out how to prove that it is decidable.
Is this the right way to be doing this? I know that I could rewrite vecLE to return bool and then I would not have to do this, but I was looking at this, and decided to try to do it with Prop.
If this is the best approach, how can I prove decidableVecLE? If it isn't, what other approach should I use?
This is a MWE so in reality vecLE is slightly more complicated, and getValid is part of a larger function.
Also, any code criticism would be much appreciated. I am self taught, so I always just use the first solution I find in the docs, and never know if I am missing a better solution.
Eric Wieser (Apr 16 2023 at 16:18):
Presumably you can prove decidability of that relation by induction
Alex Keizer (Apr 16 2023 at 19:57):
Some comments:
- Definitions of type
are generally written in UpperCamelCase, so it should beVecLE
, - Nothing in this construction depends on
, consider generalizing to any type with a (decidable)LE
instance - it's probably easier to define a version in terms of
first, and then defineVecLE
in terms ofListLE
You could use the following as a starting point, just fill in the sorry
import Aesop
variable {α} [LE α]
def ListLE (v1 v2 : List α) : Prop :=
List.zipWith (· ≤ ·) v1 v2
|>.foldl And True
namespace ListLE
theorem listLE_nil_left {bs : List α} : ListLE ([]) bs :=
by trivial
theorem listLE_nil_right {as : List α} : ListLE as ([]) :=
by cases as <;> trivial
theorem not_listLE_succ_of_not_listLE {x1 x2 : α} {v1 v2 : List α} :
¬(ListLE v1 v2) → ¬ListLE (x1 :: v1) (x2 :: v2) :=
theorem not_listLE_succ_of_not_le {x1 x2 : α} {v1 v2 : List α} :
¬(x1 ≤ x2) → ¬ListLE (x1 :: v1) (x2 :: v2) :=
intro h₁ h₂; apply h₁; clear h₁
simp[ListLE] at h₂
induction v1 generalizing v2
case nil =>
apply h₂
case cons hd1 tl1 ih =>
cases v2
case nil => apply h₂
case cons hd2 tl2 =>
apply @ih tl2
simp[List.foldl] at h₂
suffices ∀ left right tl,
List.foldl And (left ∧ right) tl → List.foldl And right tl
from by
rw[And.comm] at h₂
apply this _ _ _ h₂
intro left right tl;
induction tl generalizing left right
case nil => intro ⟨_, h⟩; apply h
case cons hd tl ih =>
intro h
simp only [List.foldl] at h |-
have : ((left ∧ right) ∧ hd) = (left ∧ (right ∧ hd))
:= by aesop
rw[this] at h; clear this;
apply ih _ _ h
theorem listLE_succ {x1 x2 : α} {v1 v2 : List α} :
x1 ≤ x2 → ListLE v1 v2 → ListLE (x1 :: v1) (x2 :: v2) :=
intro h₁ h₂
instance decide (as bs : List α) [rel : DecidableRel (@LE.le α _)] : Decidable (ListLE as bs) :=
match as, bs with
| [], _ => .isTrue listLE_nil_left
| _, [] => .isTrue listLE_nil_right
| a::as, b::bs => match (rel a b), (decide as bs) with
| _, .isFalse h => .isFalse <| not_listLE_succ_of_not_listLE h
| .isFalse h, _ => .isFalse <| not_listLE_succ_of_not_le h
| .isTrue h₁, .isTrue h₂ => .isTrue <| listLE_succ h₁ h₂
end ListLE
Kyle Miller (Apr 16 2023 at 23:05):
If you change the definition to something that's more mathematical and less procedural, it turns out to be really easy to define this instance:
import Mathlib.Data.Vector.Basic
def VectorLE [LE α] (v1 v2 : Vector α n) : Prop :=
∀ i, v1.get i ≤ v2.get i
instance [LE α] [@DecidableRel α (· ≤ ·)] (v1 v2 : Vector α n) : Decidable (VectorLE v1 v2) :=
inferInstanceAs <| Decidable (∀ _, _)
The key is that there is already a forall decidable instance when it's over Fin n
I also generalized this to be for an arbitrary type with a decidable LE relation, rather than just Nat
Jesse Slater (Apr 22 2023 at 03:01):
Thank you, this is excellent! I guess I am too used to thinking procedurally.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC