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Stream: lean4
Topic: declSig to Expr
Jon Eugster (Apr 14 2023 at 08:04):
I'm very new to metacoding and I have a (hopefully simple) question. How do I turn an element (call it sig
) of type TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Command.declSig
into an Expr
For context, I am adding a new theorem to context using let thmStatement ← `(theorem $(mkIdent name) $sig $val)
and I would
like to check if it is the same statement as another (specified) theorem that's already in context.
I get the existing theorem's type with ((← getEnv).constants.map₁.find! thmName.getId).type
, which is an Expr
forall {α : Type.{u}} (x : α), Membership.mem.{u, u} α (Set.{u} α) (Set.instMembershipSet.{u} α) x (Set.univ.{u} α)
and dbg_trace sig
gives the following:
[(Term.implicitBinder "{" [`A] [":" (Term.type "Type" [])] "}") (Term.explicitBinder "(" [`x] [":" `A] [] ")")]
(Term.typeSpec ":" («term_∈_» `x "∈" (Term.typeAscription "(" `univ ":" [(Term.app `Set [`A])] ")"))))
which is a TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Command.declSig
. I'd guess that's some sort of elaboration of sig
but I don't understand elaboration enough yet, so I'm also struggling constructing a compact mwe.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC