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Stream: lean4
Topic: equality of decide
Hannah Santos (Oct 24 2023 at 14:28):
I've been trying to close this theorem for a while now, but it ends up on something I just don't know how to do anything about, really. The problem is if I can close this theorem with the goal I have now: decide (x + n ≤ y + n) = decide (x ≤ y)
, or if there might be something different that I could have done on my definitions or on the theorem itself.
inductive ListNat where
| nil
| cons : Nat → ListNat → ListNat
deriving Repr
open ListNat
open Nat
def length : ListNat → Nat
| nil => 0
| cons _ l => length l + 1
def isSorted : ListNat → Bool
| cons n (cons m l) => n ≤ m && isSorted (cons m l)
| _ => true
def addNat : Nat → ListNat → ListNat
| _, nil => nil
| n, cons x xs => cons (x + n) (addNat n xs)
-- Useful theorems
theorem false_not_true :
false ≠ true :=
intro H
cases H
theorem length_matters {l l' : ListNat} :
l = l' → length l = length l' :=
intro h
rw [h]
axiom succ_inj {a b : Nat} : (succ a = succ b) → a = b
theorem not_eq_Add {n m : Nat} :
m ≠ 0 → ¬ n = n + m :=
intro h h'
induction n with
| zero =>
rw [Nat.zero_add] at h'
exact h h'.symm
| succ n' H =>
rw [Nat.succ_add] at h'
exact H (succ_inj h')
theorem cons_one_neq_cons_more {x n m : Nat} {l : ListNat} :
¬ cons x nil = cons n (cons m l) :=
intro h
have lh: (length (cons x nil) = length (cons n (cons m l))) := length_matters h
rw [length, length, length, length, Nat.zero_add, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_succ (length l), Nat.add_zero] at lh
exact not_eq_Add (Nat.succ_ne_zero (length l)) lh
theorem addNat_zero (l : ListNat) :
addNat zero l = l :=
induction l with
| nil => rw [addNat]
| cons x xs h => rw [addNat, Nat.add_zero, h]
theorem isSorted_addNat (n : Nat) (l : ListNat) :
isSorted (addNat n l) = isSorted l :=
by-- Preciso de 2 casos base.
induction l with
| nil => rw [addNat]
| cons x xs hyp =>
cases xs with
| nil =>
rw [addNat, addNat, isSorted, isSorted]
intro n m l' h
exact cons_one_neq_cons_more h
intro x y l' h'
exact cons_one_neq_cons_more h'
| cons y ys =>
rw [addNat] at hyp
rw [addNat, addNat, isSorted, hyp, isSorted]
cases isSorted (cons y ys)
rw [Bool.and_false, Bool.and_false]
rw [Bool.and_true, Bool.and_true]
/-1 goal
case cons.cons.true
nxy: Nat
ys: ListNat
hyp: isSorted (cons (y + n) (addNat n ys)) = isSorted (cons y ys)
⊢ decide (x + n ≤ y + n) = decide (x ≤ y)
Alex J. Best (Oct 24 2023 at 14:56):
I think you need some more lemmas, docs#decide_congr is the most important one. Are you trying to avoid using mathlib / std?
You can still copy paste some useful lemmas from them even if you don't want to import anything, eg.
inductive ListNat where
| nil
| cons : Nat → ListNat → ListNat
deriving Repr
open ListNat
open Nat
def length : ListNat → Nat
| nil => 0
| cons _ l => length l + 1
def isSorted : ListNat → Bool
| cons n (cons m l) => n ≤ m && isSorted (cons m l)
| _ => true
def addNat : Nat → ListNat → ListNat
| _, nil => nil
| n, cons x xs => cons (x + n) (addNat n xs)
-- Useful theorems
theorem false_not_true :
false ≠ true :=
intro H
cases H
theorem length_matters {l l' : ListNat} :
l = l' → length l = length l' :=
intro h
rw [h]
axiom succ_inj {a b : Nat} : (succ a = succ b) → a = b
theorem not_eq_Add {n m : Nat} :
m ≠ 0 → ¬ n = n + m :=
intro h h'
induction n with
| zero =>
rw [Nat.zero_add] at h'
exact h h'.symm
| succ n' H =>
rw [Nat.succ_add] at h'
exact H (succ_inj h')
theorem cons_one_neq_cons_more {x n m : Nat} {l : ListNat} :
¬ cons x nil = cons n (cons m l) :=
intro h
have lh: (length (cons x nil) = length (cons n (cons m l))) := length_matters h
rw [length, length, length, length, Nat.zero_add, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_succ (length l), Nat.add_zero] at lh
exact not_eq_Add (Nat.succ_ne_zero (length l)) lh
theorem addNat_zero (l : ListNat) :
addNat zero l = l :=
induction l with
| nil => rw [addNat]
| cons x xs h => rw [addNat, Nat.add_zero, h]
theorem addNat_nil (l : ListNat) :
addNat n nil = nil :=
theorem addNat_cons (l : ListNat) :
addNat n (cons m l) = cons (m + n) (addNat n l) :=
theorem not_congr (h : a ↔ b) : ¬a ↔ ¬b := ⟨mt h.2, mt h.1⟩
theorem decide_iff (p : Prop) [d : Decidable p] : decide p = true ↔ p := by simp
theorem decide_true {p : Prop} [Decidable p] : p → decide p :=
(decide_iff p).2
theorem of_decide_true {p : Prop} [Decidable p] : decide p → p :=
(decide_iff p).1
theorem bool_iff_false {b : Bool} : ¬b ↔ b = false := by cases b <;> exact by decide
theorem bool_eq_false {b : Bool} : ¬b → b = false :=
theorem decide_false_iff (p : Prop) [Decidable p] : decide p = false ↔ ¬p :=
bool_iff_false.symm.trans (not_congr (decide_iff _))
theorem of_decide_false {p : Prop} [Decidable p] : decide p = false → ¬p :=
(decide_false_iff p).1
theorem decide_false {p : Prop} [Decidable p] : ¬p → decide p = false :=
(decide_false_iff p).2
theorem decide_congr {p q : Prop} [Decidable p] [Decidable q] (h : p ↔ q) :
decide p = decide q := by
cases h' : decide q with
| false => exact decide_false (mt h.1 <| of_decide_false h')
| true => exact decide_true (h.2 <| of_decide_true h')
theorem isSorted_cons : isSorted (cons n (cons m l)) = (n ≤ m && isSorted (cons m l)) := rfl
theorem add_le_add_iff {a b n : Nat} : a + n ≤ b + n ↔ a ≤ b := sorry
theorem isSorted_addNat (n : Nat) (l : ListNat) :
isSorted (addNat n l) = isSorted l :=
by-- Preciso de 2 casos base.
induction l with
| nil => rw [addNat]
| cons x xs hyp =>
rw [addNat_cons]
cases xs with
| nil =>
rw [addNat, isSorted, isSorted]
intro n m l' h
exact cons_one_neq_cons_more h
intro x y l' h'
exact cons_one_neq_cons_more h'
| cons y ys =>
rw [addNat] at hyp
rw [addNat_cons, isSorted_cons, hyp, isSorted_cons]
rw [decide_congr add_le_add_iff]
Hannah Santos (Oct 24 2023 at 15:12):
Thank you, I'll try using that.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC