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Stream: lean4
Topic: eval expr in MetaM
James Gallicchio (Sep 09 2023 at 22:23):
first some #xy: I want to write a macro that is called as
getStatusCodes! [
because I assumed it would be easier to just use term
parser instead of making a custom syntax for this. But I need the (evaluated) value within the macro implementation. Is there a function to run a term
or elaborated expr
I see #eval
just adds a new declaration to the environment, calls evalConst
, and then resets the environment. Is there a function that already does this somewhere in core/std?
James Gallicchio (Sep 09 2023 at 22:24):
and if I should just make a custom syntax category, then I will do that :p
James Gallicchio (Sep 09 2023 at 22:57):
(this would also be nice to have as an abstraction so that the evalConst
unsafeness can be hidden)
Joachim Breitner (Sep 10 2023 at 00:10):
https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib4_docs/Lean/Meta/Eval.html#Lean.Meta.evalExpr maybe?
James Gallicchio (Sep 10 2023 at 00:10):
ooh that does look like the right signature
James Gallicchio (Sep 10 2023 at 00:11):
don't love that it's unsafe
EDIT: termUnsafe saves the day :)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC