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Stream: lean4

Topic: exists unique

Aron (May 28 2022 at 08:29):

Henrik Böving suggested this definition for exunique:

def exunique (p : α  Prop) :=  (x : α), (p x   y, p y  x = y)

Trying to apply it is causing problems - in this case I'm trying to translate a problem from incidence geometry to lean4.

def exunique (p : α  Prop) :=  (x : α), (p x   y, p y  x = y)

class incidence (point line: Type) (inc:point  line  Prop) :=
(one: P Q, P  Q  exunique (l:line) (inc P l  inc Q l))
application type mismatch
  exunique l
has type
  line : Type
but is expected to have type
  ?m.93  Prop : Sort (max 1 ?u.92)

Sébastien Michelland (May 28 2022 at 08:33):

The exunique quantifier does not have special syntax, so if you want to use it directly you need to write p: α → Prop directly as a function.

class incidence (point line: Type) (inc:point  line  Prop) :=
(one: P Q, P  Q  exunique (fun l => inc P l  inc Q l))

I'm not too comfortable with notation, but this could do the trick.

syntax "∃!" term "," term: term
  | `(∃! $t:term, $p:term) => `(exunique (fun $t => $p))

class incidence2 (point line: Type) (inc:point  line  Prop) :=
(one: P Q, P  Q  ∃! (l:line), (inc P l  inc Q l))

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC