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Stream: lean4

Topic: failed to synthesize implicit argument

Anders Christiansen Sørby (Nov 09 2021 at 21:28):

I have a problem trying to synthesize the transformer in this call

def toBase64 {I: Type u} {transformer : Into ByteArray I} (input : I) (pad: Bool := true) : String := do

def Blake3Hash : Type := { r : ByteArray // r.size = BLAKE3_OUT_LEN }

instance : Into ByteArray Blake3Hash := Subtype.val

instance : Into String Blake3Hash := fun b => toBase64 b true

Which leads to

Blake3> Blake3.lean:43:47: error: don't know how to synthesize implicit argument
Blake3>   @toBase64 Blake3Hash (?m.1002 b) b true
Blake3> context:
Blake3> b : Blake3Hash
Blake3>  Into ByteArray Blake3Hash
Blake3> Blake3.lean:44:35: error: don't know how to synthesize implicit argument
Blake3>   @toBase64 Blake3Hash ?m.1018 _uniq.1021 true
Blake3> context:
Blake3>  Into ByteArray Blake3Hash

Why can't this be synthesized and how can I annotate it to work?

Chris B (Nov 09 2021 at 22:17):

Does it work if you add @[reducible] to Blake3Hash?

Chris B (Nov 09 2021 at 22:21):

Also how is Into defined?

Sebastian Ullrich (Nov 09 2021 at 22:33):

Class parameters use [], not {}

def toBase64 {I : Type u} [Into ByteArray I] ...

Chris B (Nov 09 2021 at 22:38):

I didn't even notice that lol.

Anders Christiansen Sørby (Nov 09 2021 at 23:28):

Yes, I figured it out. This could be made clearer in the implicit argument section and the type class section.

Anders Christiansen Sørby (Feb 09 2022 at 10:30):

I'm getting this error:

Tests> Tests.lean:11:10: error: don't know how to synthesize implicit argument
Tests>   @isValid? (?m.527 args board x) (?m.528 args board x) board
Tests> context:
Tests> args : List String
Tests> board : Board
Tests>  Nat
Tests> Tests.lean:11:10: error: don't know how to synthesize implicit argument
Tests>   @isValid? (?m.527 args board x) (?m.528 args board x) board
Tests> context:
Tests> args : List String
Tests> board : Board
Tests>  Nat

for this code:

A Sudoku board not validated
structure Board where
  h : Nat
  w : Nat
  ax : h  1  w  1
  elementBound := { min := 1, max := (h*w), isMinMax := (one_le_size ax) : Bound }
  -- A rows first matrix
  arr : Array (Option <| BNat elementBound)
  axArr : arr.size = h*h*w*w

def main (args : List String) : IO UInt32 := do
    let board : Board  parseFile <| FilePath.mk "board1.txt"
    println! "Board 1:\n{board}"
    match board.isValid? with -- <-- This is the error
    | Except.ok () => println! "board is valid"
    | Except.error e => println! "board not valid: {e}"
    pure 0
  catch e =>
    IO.eprintln <| "error: " ++ toString e -- avoid "uncaught exception: ..."
    pure 1

def isValid? (b : Board) : Except String Unit := do
  -- Not pretty but a first draft
  -- let mut er := 1
  -- let mut ec := 1
  let mut valid := true
  for r in [1:h] do
    for c in [1:w] do
      let cell : Slice <| Option (BNat b.elementBound) := b.getCell (r.toBNat.get! : b.CellRowIndex) (c.toBNat.get! : b.CellColIndex)
      if not (validateSlice cell) then
        valid := false
        -- er := r
        -- ec := c
  if valid then
    return ()
    throw s!"invalid at"

But I can't tell which implicit variables it actually mentions. I've also added more explicit annotations but to no avail.

Alex J. Best (Feb 09 2022 at 12:36):

Can you try and create a MWE, its very hard to help from the code you have posted as there are multiple errors.
There's a lot of things wrong with the snippet you posted (things aren't in the board namespace, functions not defined, fuctions in the wrong order) so its almost impossible to see the actual error you are seeing

Alex J. Best (Feb 09 2022 at 12:37):

Also, what Lean commit?

Mario Carneiro (Feb 09 2022 at 12:51):

My guess is that the references to h and w in isValid? are being auto-bound, making isValid? take three arguments. If you #print isValid? it should show the type and names of the implicit arguments

Mario Carneiro (Feb 09 2022 at 12:52):

If you use b.h andb.w instead then the error should go away

Sebastian Ullrich (Feb 09 2022 at 13:29):

Auto-implicits should only trigger in the definition header. I hope.

Mario Carneiro (Feb 09 2022 at 13:31):

still, those two are definitely free variables. Perhaps there is a variables {h w : Nat} up above?

Anders Christiansen Sørby (Feb 09 2022 at 16:23):

It was because of a bad rewrite. I had forgotten to replace h and w with b.h and b.w as you can see in the for loops. I think we can have better error messages here.

Anders Christiansen Sørby (Feb 09 2022 at 16:26):

Like if the error message had given the location and names of the erroneous meta variables this would have been much easier to see.

Sebastian Ullrich (Feb 09 2022 at 16:31):

There isn't really anything to discuss here without an MWE. Or rather MNWE.

Notification Bot (Feb 09 2022 at 21:25):

Anders Christiansen Sørby has marked this topic as resolved.

Notification Bot (Feb 09 2022 at 21:33):

Anders Christiansen Sørby has marked this topic as unresolved.

Anders Christiansen Sørby (Feb 09 2022 at 21:34):

Why should binding these unfilled values not cause an error? Is there any way to fill them when calling the function?

Arthur Paulino (Feb 09 2022 at 22:11):

I think some code would really help :+1:

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC