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Stream: lean4

Topic: folding definitions

Simon Hudon (Mar 12 2022 at 19:47):

In Lean 3, there was a neat trick you could use to fold a definition in a proof. You could do rw [<- myDef]. In Lean 4, rw does not seem to be using equational lemmas anymore. Trying the same with simp, you could try simp only [<- myDef] which would give you:

invalid '←' modifier, 'myDef' is a declaration name to be unfolded

Furthermore, it seems like equational lemmas are now declared private so they're not readily available to reference directly in rw or simp. Is there a different way to get the same outcome?

Leonardo de Moura (Mar 12 2022 at 20:31):

Yes, rw is not using equational theorems yet. It is on the TODO list.

it seems like equational lemmas are now declared private

Yes, they are private, and they are generated on demand. Motivation: users that are using Lean as a programming language are not penalized with the performance overhead.

Is there a different way to get the same outcome?

You can force the equational theorems to be regenerated using the following hack.

macro "generate_eq_thms" declName:ident : command => `(section attribute [local simp] $declName end)

generate_eq_thms List.length

example {a : α} {as bs : List α} (h : bs = a::as) : as.length + 1 = bs.length := by
  rw [ List.length._eq_2]
  trace_state -- lhs was folded
  rw [h]

Simon Hudon (Mar 12 2022 at 20:55):

Nice, thanks! Is it legal to mention List.length._eq_2 in rw because you're in the same namespace or does become more generally available once you forced their generation?

Leonardo de Moura (Mar 12 2022 at 20:59):

does become more generally available once you forced their generation?

This one. The generate_eq_thms command is generating new private theorems, and they are visible in the current file.

Simon Hudon (Mar 12 2022 at 21:02):

Cool, thanks!

Leonardo de Moura (Mar 12 2022 at 21:54):

@Simon Hudon https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/commit/cf0ca026fb2ae24723f325de1cceaaeaeccf3001

Simon Hudon (Mar 12 2022 at 21:56):

Awesome! Thanks a lot!

Simon Hudon (Mar 12 2022 at 22:47):

One question about your implementation: any reason not to use getUnfoldEqnFor? as well, possibly as a fallback if getEqnsFor? doesn't turn up anything?

Leonardo de Moura (Mar 12 2022 at 22:59):

@Simon Hudon Not sure if people use stuff such as repeat rw [f]. If we also apply the unfold theorem, it may produce nontermination.
BTW, we have an unfold tactic in Lean 4 for applying the unfold theorems.

Simon Hudon (Mar 12 2022 at 23:06):

This might be a good place to borrow from ssreflect. It gives you a bunch of ascii decorations in rewrite and one of them is ! myLemma (or 3 ! myLemma). That should make repeat rw [f, g, h] less commonly necessary and gives you the opportunity, when using ! with a definition, to just refuse to use the unfold lemma.

Leonardo de Moura (Mar 12 2022 at 23:15):

@Simon Hudon I am bored today, but not bored enough to implement these decorations :)

Simon Hudon (Mar 12 2022 at 23:23):

Haha! I'm sure something better will come up! It's on my list anyway but nowhere near the top

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC