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Stream: lean4

Topic: forcing inclusion of unused arguments

Eric Wieser (Feb 17 2023 at 14:13):

Is there a better way to force an argument to be included than a dummy let clause?

variable (m n : Nat)

def foo : Nat :=
    let _ := m

#print foo

This has come up in !4#2347 (cc @Pol'tta / Kô Miyahara), where we want to include an unused typeclass argument for symmetry, but don't want to move all the arguments into the def line if we can avoid it

Eric Wieser (Feb 17 2023 at 14:14):

def foo : Nat := (0 : (m, _).2) works too, but seems pretty silly

Reid Barton (Feb 17 2023 at 14:17):

Seems not that great a solution for a def, since it affects the term

Reid Barton (Feb 17 2023 at 14:17):

Either one, I mean

Eric Wieser (Feb 17 2023 at 14:18):

Oh you're right, I missed the fact that the second one poisons the Zero instance

Reid Barton (Feb 17 2023 at 14:19):

I suspect there isn't a great way because the variable remover runs so late (as I understand it)

Eric Wieser (Feb 17 2023 at 14:21):

That's what I'm leaning towards too. Maybe we do just have to list all the variables

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2023 at 14:31):

I think the better solution is just to have an include command. The whole idea behind not including it (heh...) was as a social experiment to see how necessary it really is

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2023 at 14:32):

I don't think there are any fundamental reasons not to have such a command, it is just almost never necessary and I wouldn't really trust the existing include commands for e.g. mathport usage

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 17 2023 at 14:34):

Another issue with the current system is that sometimes I find myself with 20 unused variables in a tactic proof, they seem to have been put there "just in case"

Mario Carneiro (Feb 17 2023 at 14:37):

I think we could plausibly make them auxDecls or something to hide them from the tactic state, but that's a bit weird if you actually want them to play a role

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC