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Stream: lean4

Topic: help with two proofs

Arthur Paulino (Jan 03 2022 at 20:30):

I'm stuck with these two proofs, which I believe shouldn't bee too hard :sad:
Can someone help me?

abbrev IntervalsSeq := List Int

namespace IntervalsSeq

@[simp] def allPositive : IntervalsSeq  Prop
  | h :: t => 0 < h  allPositive t
  | _      => True

@[simp] def delta : IntervalsSeq  Int
  | h :: t => h + delta t
  | _      => 0

theorem appendPosOfPos (s s' : IntervalsSeq)
    (hps : s.allPositive) (hps' : s'.allPositive) :
      (s ++ s').allPositive := by
  cases s' with
    | nil => simp only [List.append_nil]; exact hps
    | cons h' t' => sorry

theorem deltaAppendEqSumDeltas (s s' : IntervalsSeq) :
    delta (s ++ s') = delta s + delta s' := sorry

end IntervalsSeq

Any hint is appreciated :pray:

Henrik Böving (Jan 03 2022 at 20:45):

The first is:

theorem appendPosOfPos (s s' : IntervalsSeq) (hps : s.allPositive) (hps' : s'.allPositive) : (s ++ s').allPositive := by
  induction s with
  | nil =>
    rw [List.nil_append]
    exact hps'
  | cons x xs ih =>
    simp only [allPositive]
    simp only [allPositive] at hps
    apply And.intro
    case left => exact hps.left
    case right => exact ih hps.right

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 03 2022 at 20:45):

Yeah, easier to do induction on s rather than s'

Arthur Paulino (Jan 03 2022 at 20:52):

Thanks!!! Indeed, so much simpler!

theorem appendPosOfPos (s s' : Intervals)
    (hps : s.allPositive) (hps' : s'.allPositive) :
      (s ++ s').allPositive := by
  induction s with
    | nil         => rw [List.nil_append]; exact hps'
    | cons _ _ hi => exact hps.1, hi hps.2

Henrik Böving (Jan 03 2022 at 20:56):

My stab at the second would be:

theorem deltaAppendEqSumDeltas (s s' : IntervalsSeq) : delta (s ++ s') = delta s + delta s' := by
  induction s with
  | nil =>
    rw [List.nil_append]
    simp only [delta]
    rw [Int.zero_add] -- Mathlib4 proof
  | cons x xs ih =>
    simp only [delta]
    simp only [HAppend.hAppend, Append.append] at ih -- a bit ugly
    rw [ih]
    rw [add_assoc]

although as noted the happend stuff is a bit ugly and can most likely be done better.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 03 2022 at 20:58):

I remember being stuck for a while on reverse(reverse L))=L when I was learning Lean. I mean, I'm a professor of mathematics and this is a triviality -- how hard can it be!

Arthur Paulino (Jan 03 2022 at 20:59):

Thank you very much!

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 03 2022 at 21:00):

Somehow the issue is that as humans we have an intuitive understanding of things and sometimes don't think recursively at all. It's like a+b=b+a is obvious for naturals because we have a geometric understanding of addition as well as a recursive one, and we just use the geometric one here.

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 03 2022 at 21:05):

In cases like this, I would always suggest to describe how your function operates on the different inductive constructors. That's part of building the API

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 03 2022 at 21:06):

append is a "derived" function that has different branches depending on the constructors of at least one of the arguments. So of course it is easier to prove things about it if you have proofs about what happens to the inductive constructors.

Arthur Paulino (Jan 03 2022 at 21:09):

Yakov Pechersky said:

In cases like this, I would always suggest to describe how your function operates on the different inductive constructors. That's part of building the API

Do you know an example of that?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC