Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: home cooked release

Matthew Ballard (Aug 09 2023 at 13:31):

Scott added some helpful documentation on making your own release for use in lean-toolchain file in a project.

I thought I should at least write down the learning experiences I had during the process of generating before I forget

Matthew Ballard (Aug 09 2023 at 13:37):

  • After you fork the lean4 repo, make sure that you have GitHub actions enabled.
  • Go into settings and make sure there no tag protection rules set.
  • Make sure that both the Nix-CI and CI workflows are enabled to run. The first was fine but the second was turned off by default for me.
  • I didn't figure out how to avoid the Publish manual step in the Nix-CI workflow so I just deleted it from .github/workflows/nix-ci.yml
  • The action for releasing can require additional permission set directly in the .github/workflows/ci.yml. This seems like a known issue and can be fixed by adding
  contents: write

after the on: node in the file

Matthew Ballard (Aug 09 2023 at 13:39):

The last one was especially annoying because I couldn't seem to rerun the CI workflow after changing the ci.yml file without rerunning everything, ie building all the releases for all the platforms + other stuff. Waiting ~2 hrs to find out things went wrong is not fun

Matthew Ballard (Aug 09 2023 at 13:40):

If had I been aware of this to start, it would have shortened the time to generate the release from ~8 hours to ~2 hours (less head slapping too). Hopefully someone finds it helpful

Matthew Ballard (Aug 09 2023 at 13:45):

Probably me in 5 years...

Scott Morrison (Sep 15 2023 at 04:43):

I don't understand why these instructions are so complicated. My experience has been that as long as you have GitHub actions enabled, everything just works?

Matthew Ballard (Sep 16 2023 at 14:43):

I don’t either but they were very much needed in my case.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC