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Stream: lean4

Topic: how do I turn a Term into a rwRule

Scott Morrison (Mar 17 2023 at 02:33):

I want to turn a Term into a TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Tactic.rwRule:

/-- Add a suggestion for `rw [h]`. -/
def addRewriteSuggestion (origTac : Syntax) (e : Expr) (symm : Bool) : TermElabM Unit := do
  let estx  delabToRefinableSyntax e
  let tac 
    if symm then
      `(tactic| rw [ $estx])
      `(tactic| rw [$estx]) -- error here: estx has type Term but is expected to have type  TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Tactic.rwRule
  addSuggestion origTac tac

Notice that in the symm branch it works just fine!

Kyle Miller (Mar 17 2023 at 02:44):

This at least typechecks, but I haven't set up a test to see if it's the right thing: `(tactic| rw [($estx)])

Kyle Miller (Mar 17 2023 at 02:50):

Ah, right, it's just `(tactic| rw [$estx:term])

Gabriel Ebner (Mar 17 2023 at 03:21):

And to answer the title of the thread, `(Parser.Tactic.rwRule| $estx:term) .

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC