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Stream: lean4

Topic: hygiene issues in macros with repeated names

Eric Wieser (Oct 28 2023 at 15:08):

I'm struggling a little with this example:

syntax "apply_mt" (ppSpace colGt ident (" with " ident)?) : tactic
  | `(tactic| apply_mt $e with $e') => `(tactic|
    refine mt (fun $e' => ?_) $e; clear $e)

theorem ok {a b c d : Nat} (h : a  b) : c  d := by
  apply_mt h with h1
  -- h1 : c = d ⊢ a = b

theorem bad {a b c d : Nat} (h : a  b) : c  d := by
  apply_mt h with h
  -- h1 : a ≠ b ⊢ a = b

Here, the first tactic works as intended, but the second fails due to aliasing between the $e and $e' macro arguments. Is there a recommended workaround for this?

Eric Wieser (Oct 28 2023 at 15:19):

Ideally I'd have some way to resolve the name up front; but presumably I can only do that within a elab_rules not a macro_rules?

Eric Wieser (Oct 28 2023 at 15:20):

(I know here that I can just rewrite the tactic to use intro rather than fun to resolve the issue, but I was hoping for a more general solution)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC