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Stream: lean4

Topic: implementation of tactic mode?

Siddhartha Gadgil (Sep 04 2021 at 01:57):

My motivation is to try to call tactics from within code. Is it correct that the block starting with a by is converted by a macro from TacticM Unit to the expected type? If so where is the macro?


Leonardo de Moura (Sep 04 2021 at 23:27):

We have different syntax categories in Lean. The main ones are: command, term, and tactic.
The term category contains the parser "by " tacticSeq : term where tacticSeq is roughly a sequence of tactics.
The parser produces objects of type Syntax.
The three main syntactic categories are processed using the following extensible functions.

elabCommand (stx : Syntax) : CommandElabM Unit
elabTerm (stx : Syntax) (expectedType? : Option Expr)  : TermElabM Expr
evalTactic (stx : Syntax) : TacticM Unit

All of them expand macros which are functions from Syntax to MacroM Syntax.
The evalTactic is essentially an interpreter.
We say it is extensible because users can add new functions for handling the new syntax they have defined. Mathlib4 contains many extensions already
The elab command used in this file is a macro that allows users to define new syntax and the "eval" function for the syntax in a single command.

Siddhartha Gadgil (Sep 05 2021 at 01:29):

Thank you very much.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC