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Stream: lean4
Topic: implemented_by and wf recursion
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 04:54):
I got the following error:
def myfunUnsafe (x : Array α) (i : Fin x.size) : Array α :=
> invalid 'implemented_by' argument 'myfunUnsafe', 'myfunUnsafe' has type
> {α : Type u_1} → (x : Array α) → Fin (Array.size x) → Array α
> but 'myfun._unary' has type
> {α : Type u_1} → (x : Array α) ×' Fin (Array.size x) → Array α
@[implemented_by myfunUnsafe]
def myfun (x : Array α) (i : Fin x.size) : Array α :=
let next := 2*i.1 + 1
if h : next < x.size then
have : x.size - next < x.size - i.1 := sorry
myfun (x.swap i ⟨next,h⟩) ⟨next, (x.size_swap _ _).symm ▸ h⟩
termination_by _ => x.size - i.1
The error message claims that the type of myfunUnsafe
is not correct, but the next doesn't work, of course.
def myfunUnsafe' (x : (x : Array α) ×' Fin x.size) : Array α :=
> invalid 'implemented_by' argument 'myfunUnsafe'', 'myfunUnsafe'' has type
> {α : Type u_1} → (x : Array α) ×' Fin (Array.size x) → Array α
> but 'myfun'' has type
> {α : Type u_1} → (x : Array α) → Fin (Array.size x) → Array α
@[implemented_by myfunUnsafe']
def myfun' (x : Array α) (i : Fin x.size) : Array α :=
let next := 2*i.1 + 1
if h : next < x.size then
have : x.size - next < x.size - i.1 := sorry
myfun' (x.swap i ⟨next,h⟩) ⟨next, (x.size_swap _ _).symm ▸ h⟩
termination_by _ => x.size - i.1
It seems to be a bug to me.
Are there any workaround?
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2023 at 04:59):
looks like a bug, the workaround is
def myfun' (x : Array α) (i : Fin x.size) : Array α :=
let next := 2*i.1 + 1
if h : next < x.size then
have : x.size - next < x.size - i.1 := sorry
myfun' (x.swap i ⟨next,h⟩) ⟨next, (x.size_swap _ _).symm ▸ h⟩
termination_by _ => x.size - i.1
@[implemented_by myfunUnsafe]
def myfun (x : Array α) (i : Fin x.size) : Array α := myfun' x i
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 05:03):
Thank you. Should I open an issue?
Mario Carneiro (Nov 17 2023 at 05:04):
my guess is that something is copying the implemented_by
attribute to both the original function and the myfun._unary
auxiliary function
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 05:16):
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 09:38):
Mario Carneiro said:
my guess is that something is copying the
attribute to both the original function and themyfun._unary
auxiliary function
I confirmed you are right. The myfun._unary
, which is generated by Lean.Elab.WF.packDomain
, inherits the attributes from the source declaration:
/- Defining an attribute that just stores names -/
import Lean.Meta
open Lean Meta
initialize myExtension :
SimpleScopedEnvExtension Name (Array Name) ←
registerSimpleScopedEnvExtension {
addEntry := fun ns => ns.push
initial := #[]
@[inline] def getMyExtensionDecls {m : Type → Type} [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] : m (Array Name) := do
return myExtension.getState (← getEnv)
syntax (name := myattr) "myattr" : attr
initialize registerBuiltinAttribute {
name := `myattr
descr := "Show all declarations that inherits an attribute 'myattr'."
applicationTime := .afterTypeChecking
add := fun declName _ _ => do
MetaM.run' do myExtension.add declName
/- In another file -/
def myfun (x : Array α) (i : Fin x.size) : Array α :=
let next := 2*i.1+1
if h : next < x.size then
have : x.size - next < x.size - i.1 := sorry
myfun (x.swap i ⟨next,h⟩) ⟨next,sorry⟩
termination_by _ => x.size - i.1
`myattr` is attached not only to `myfun` but also to `myfun._unary`.
> #[`myfun._unary, `myfun]
#eval getMyExtensionDecls (m:=Lean.CoreM)
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 09:45):
I am not sure if myfun._unary
should have the same attributes as myfun
. IMHO, it shouldn't have any special attribute, and the attribute inheritance should be done using another attribute for this purpose, if necessary.
Joachim Breitner (Nov 17 2023 at 09:48):
Most attributes that I can think of should only go on myfun
: Everything that is external (doc related things, tactic registration etc.)
What attributes would have to be put on aux implementation definitions? Are there even any?
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 09:55):
Here is another terrible example with Mathlib:
import Mathlib.Tactic
> (kernel) unknown constant 'myfunZero._unary.proof_1'
def myfunOne (x : Array α) (i : Fin x.size) : Array α :=
let next := 2*i.1 + 1
if h : next < x.size then
have : x.size - next < x.size - i.1 := sorry
myfunOne (x.swap i ⟨next,h⟩) ⟨next, (x.size_swap _ _).symm ▸ h⟩
termination_by _ => x.size - i.1
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 10:06):
Joachim Breitner said:
Most attributes that I can think of should only go on
: Everything that is external (doc related things, tactic registration etc.)
What attributes would have to be put on aux implementation definitions? Are there even any?
How about specialize
Joachim Breitner (Nov 17 2023 at 11:00):
For to_additive
you’d want it on both, right?
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 11:51):
Ah, you are right. The "definition" to_additive
sees is the generated one using myfunOne._unary
, so it also needs myfunZero._unary
. The problem in the above example is likely that to_additive
doesn't take care of the termination proof. In this sense, it may be the bug of to_additive
rather than of implemented_by
Floris van Doorn (Nov 17 2023 at 13:57):
does no effort to additivize definitions with well-founded recursion correctly, so it doesn't surprise me that it doesn't work. The workaround it to write both versions (the additive version first) and then connect them using @[to_additive existing]
. Note: in your MWE there is no multiplicative structure to additivize, right?
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 14:49):
@Floris van Doorn to_additive
example is just an example and not a central problem here. And I still think it is a bug of to_additive
; if it is not capable of dealing with well-founded recursion, it should produce an appropriate error, IMHO.
Joachim Breitner (Nov 17 2023 at 15:39):
Isn’t there a command-form of to_additive
that you could apply to myFunOne._unary
and then to myFunOne
after both have been defined and it would just work? Or is there something fundamental about well-founded recursion that causes issues with to_additive
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 15:49):
Joachim Breitner said:
Isn’t there a command-form of
that you could apply tomyFunOne._unary
and then tomyFunOne
after both have been defined and it would just work? Or is there something fundamental about well-founded recursion that causes issues withto_additive
Hmm, the idea actually works!
import Mathlib.Tactic
def myfunOne (x : Array α) (i : Fin x.size) : Array α :=
let next := 2*i.1 + 1
if h : next < x.size then
have : x.size - next < x.size - i.1 := sorry
myfunOne (x.swap i ⟨next,h⟩) ⟨next, (x.size_swap _ _).symm ▸ h⟩
termination_by _ => x.size - i.1
attribute [to_additive myfunZero._unary] myfunOne._unary
attribute [to_additive] myfunOne -- OK
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 15:51):
So, the problem on to_additive
is maybe that it doesn't generate the name of the additive counterpart of myfunZero._unary
Joachim Breitner (Nov 17 2023 at 15:54):
It’s not complete, though. There are “unfold equations” attached to myFunOne
that are not transferred:
import Mathlib.Tactic
def myfunOne (x : Array α) (i : Fin x.size) : Array α :=
let next := 2*i.1 + 1
if h : next < x.size then
have : x.size - next < x.size - i.1 := sorry
myfunOne (x.swap i ⟨next,h⟩) ⟨next, (x.size_swap _ _).symm ▸ h⟩
termination_by _ => x.size - i.1
attribute [to_additive myfunZero._unary] myfunOne._unary
attribute [to_additive] myfunOne -- OK
theorem ex1 : myfunOne #[true] (Fin.last 0) = #[true] := by
unfold myfunOne
-- no mention of myfunOne._unary
theorem ex2 : myfunZero #[true] (Fin.last 0) = #[true] := by
unfold myfunZero
-- mentions of myfunZero._unary
-- rfl still works, but more by accident
I don’t know that corner of the system well; presumably to_additive
could find them and translate them as well.
Joachim Breitner (Nov 17 2023 at 16:05):
These are generated lazily, it seems. So maybe to_additive
needs to register a getter for such lemmas on the additive variant, and when called, call it on the original version, take the lemmas, transfer them, and return them. But at this point it may be simpler to just copy the recursive definition :-)
Jun Yoshida (Nov 17 2023 at 17:00):
The solution definitely depends on whether to_additive
is attached to myfunOne._unary
or not.
Generally, it really depends on an attribute if myfun._unary
should inherit it from myfun
are examples which should be inherited; some functions in the core (e.g.Array.zipWithAux
) assume this behavior.implemented_by
is one that shouldn't be.
So, what would be the "fix" of the bug?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC