Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: incorporating std

Paul Chisholm (Oct 05 2022 at 01:46):

Now that std4 has been removed from the core lean4 build, what is the recommended way to incorporate std4 into a package created with lake.

Mario Carneiro (Oct 05 2022 at 01:54):

require std from git "https://github.com/leanprover/std4" @ "main"

in your lakefile

Paul Chisholm (Oct 05 2022 at 02:15):

Thanks, that works. Will this pick up changes to std4 on github during a subsequent build of my package, or do I have to manually delete lean_packages?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 05 2022 at 02:24):

Neither. The current commit you build against is kept in the manifest.json in your lean_packages (you should version control this file), and this file is updated when you run lake update but lake build just uses the version specified there

Logan Murphy (Oct 12 2022 at 15:01):

I've added the require clause to my lakefile as Mario suggested, and ran lake update and lake build.

Some imports work fine, like import Std.Data.List.Init.Lemmas, it works fine. But when I try to import Std.Data.List.Lemmas, for instance, I get

`/home/logan/.elan/toolchains/leanprover-lean4-nightly-2022-10-12/bin/lake print-paths Init Std.Data.Nat.Lemmas Std.Data.List.Basic Std.Data.Option.Lemmas Std.Classes.BEq` failed:

info: Building Std.Tactic.NoMatch
error: > LEAN_PATH=./lean_packages/std/build/lib:./build/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/logan/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2022-10-12/lib:./lean_packages/std/build/lib:./build/lib:./lean_packages/std/build/lib /home/logan/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2022-10-12/bin/lean -DwarningAsError=true -Dlinter.missingDocs=true ./lean_packages/std/././Std/Tactic/NoMatch.lean -R ./lean_packages/std/./. -o ./lean_packages/std/build/lib/Std/Tactic/NoMatch.olean -i ./lean_packages/std/build/lib/Std/Tactic/NoMatch.ilean -c ./lean_packages/std/build/ir/Std/Tactic/NoMatch.c
error: stdout:
./lean_packages/std/././Std/Tactic/NoMatch.lean:36:20: error: unknown identifier 'isAtomicDiscr?'
./lean_packages/std/././Std/Tactic/NoMatch.lean:39:41: error: unknown free variable '_uniq.124'
./lean_packages/std/././Std/Tactic/NoMatch.lean:36:4: error: unknown free variable '_uniq.124'
error: external command `/home/logan/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2022-10-12/bin/lean` exited with code 1

Any insight as to what I'm doing wrong?

Mauricio Collares (Oct 12 2022 at 15:04):

Probably mismatched toolchains? Std4 master is using leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-10-09.

Logan Murphy (Oct 12 2022 at 15:14):

Ah yes, that fixed it. Thank you, Mauricio!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC