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Stream: lean4

Topic: indexed inductive types overwhelming server

Siddhartha Gadgil (May 09 2022 at 07:46):

I have been working with indexed inductive types (to define group rings). One piece of code (surprisingly to me) times out even with high limits. A self-contained piece of the code is the following:

variable (X: Type)[DecidableEq X]

abbrev FormalSum : Type := List (Nat × X)

inductive BasicRel : FormalSum X   FormalSum X     Prop where
| zeroCoeff (tail: FormalSum X)(x: X)(a : Nat)(h: a = 0):
        BasicRel  ((a, x):: tail) tail
| addCoeffs (a b: Nat)(x: X)(tail: FormalSum X):
        BasicRel  ((a, x) :: (b, x) :: tail) ((a + b, x) :: tail)
| cons (a: Nat)(x: X)(s₁ s₂ : FormalSum X):
        BasicRel  s₁ s₂  BasicRel ((a, x) :: s₁) ((a, x) ::  s₂)
| swap (a₁ a₂: Nat)(x₁ x₂: X)(tail : FormalSum X):
        BasicRel  ((a₁, x₁) :: (a₂, x₂) :: tail)
                    ((a₂, x₂) :: (a₁, x₁) :: tail)

def linear_extension{X: Type}[DecidableEq X](f₀ : X  Nat) : FormalSum X  Nat
| [] => 0
| h :: t =>
      let (a, x) := h
      a * f₀ x + (linear_extension f₀ t)
termination_by _ _ s => s.length

set_option maxHeartbeats 2000000

open BasicRel in
theorem invariance_of_linear_extension{X: Type}[DecidableEq X](f₀ : X  Nat) :
    ( s₁ s₂ : FormalSum X,  rel : BasicRel X s₁ s₂, linear_extension f₀ s₁ = linear_extension f₀ s₂) :=
    fun s₁ s₂ rel =>
    match s₁, s₂, rel with
        | (a, x) :: tail, .(tail), zeroCoeff .(tail) .(x) .(a) hyp => by
          rw [hyp]
          simp [linear_extension]
        | (a, x) :: (b, .(x)) :: tail, .((a + b, x) :: tail),
          addCoeffs .(a) .(b) .(x) .(tail) => by
            simp [linear_extension,  Nat.add_assoc]
            have step : a * f₀ x + b * f₀ x = (a + b) * f₀ x :=
              by simp [Nat.right_distrib]
            rw [ step]
        | (a, x) :: t₁, (.(a), .(x)) :: t₂, cons .(a) .(x) .(t₁) .(t₂) r =>
            simp [linear_extension,  Nat.add_assoc]
            let ih := invariance_of_linear_extension f₀ t₁ t₂ r
            rw [ih]
        | (a₁, x₁) :: (a₂, x₂) :: tail,
            (.(a₂), .(x₂)) :: (.(a₁), .(x₁)) :: .(tail) ,
              swap .(a₁) .(a₂) .(x₁) .(x₂) .(tail) => by
              simp [linear_extension,  Nat.add_assoc]
              have step : a₁ * f₀ x₁ + a₂ * f₀ x₂ = a₂ * f₀ x₂ + a₁ * f₀ x₁ :=
                  by simp [Nat.add_comm]
              rw [step]
termination_by _ _ s₁ s₂ => s₁.length

Is there something I should be doing differently? Or is this an issue with the server. For context, I tried using the induction tactic, which worked very well in related code, but could not prove termination in this case as the relation between s and its tail t was lost.


Siddhartha Gadgil (May 09 2022 at 07:56):

Actually, there is an obvious thing I should (and will try) - prove separate theorems for the cases. But I anyway wanted to report this as a possible performance issue.

Siddhartha Gadgil (May 09 2022 at 08:39):

With more experiments, this is clearly a case of checking exhaustiveness of pattern matching taking too long. I could minimize further to the following code hanging:

variable (X: Type)[DecidableEq X]

abbrev FormalSum : Type := List (Nat × X)

inductive BasicRel : FormalSum X   FormalSum X     Prop where
| zeroCoeff (tail: FormalSum X)(x: X)(a : Nat)(h: a = 0):
        BasicRel  ((a, x):: tail) tail
| addCoeffs (a b: Nat)(x: X)(tail: FormalSum X):
        BasicRel  ((a, x) :: (b, x) :: tail) ((a + b, x) :: tail)
| cons (a: Nat)(x: X)(s₁ s₂ : FormalSum X):
        BasicRel  s₁ s₂  BasicRel ((a, x) :: s₁) ((a, x) ::  s₂)
| swap (a₁ a₂: Nat)(x₁ x₂: X)(tail : FormalSum X):
        BasicRel  ((a₁, x₁) :: (a₂, x₂) :: tail)
                    ((a₂, x₂) :: (a₁, x₁) :: tail)

def linear_extension{X: Type}[DecidableEq X](f₀ : X  Nat) : FormalSum X  Nat
| _ => 0

set_option maxHeartbeats 2000000

open BasicRel in
theorem invariance_of_linear_extension{X: Type}[DecidableEq X]
  (s₁ s₂: FormalSum X)(h: BasicRel X s₁ s₂)(f₀ : X  Nat) :
    linear_extension f₀ s₁ = linear_extension f₀ s₂ :=
    match s₁, s₂, h with
        | (a₁, x₁) :: (a₂, x₂) :: tail,
            (.(a₂), .(x₂)) :: (.(a₁), .(x₁)) :: .(tail) ,
              swap .(a₁) .(a₂) .(x₁) .(x₂) .(tail) => sorry
        | (a, x) :: tail, .(tail), zeroCoeff .(tail) .(x) .(a) hyp =>
        | _, _, _ => sorry

For comparison, if I remove the second case match then everything is instantaneous. By this I mean replacing the theorem with:

theorem invariance_of_linear_extension{X: Type}[DecidableEq X]
  (s₁ s₂: FormalSum X)(h: BasicRel X s₁ s₂)(f₀ : X  Nat) :
    linear_extension f₀ s₁ = linear_extension f₀ s₂ :=
    match s₁, s₂, h with
        | (a₁, x₁) :: (a₂, x₂) :: tail,
            (.(a₂), .(x₂)) :: (.(a₁), .(x₁)) :: .(tail) ,
              swap .(a₁) .(a₂) .(x₁) .(x₂) .(tail) => sorry
        | _, _, _ => sorry

I am using the nightly: leanprover/lean4:nightly-2022-05-08

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC