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Stream: lean4
Topic: induction with fixed index
Chris B (Aug 26 2021 at 14:31):
What is the recommended way to do induction on a hypothesis that's an inductive Prop with an index fixed/not a variable? This seems to be a hard error in lean 4 (index in target's type is not a variable (consider using the
cases tactic instead)
Right now I'm doing this to keep the (c = ..) lemma out of the signature:
theorem bigStepWhileDiverges
{body s0 s1}
(h0 : BigStep (while (fun _ => True) body) s0 s1)
: False :=
generalize hc : (while (fun _ => True) body) = c
rw [hc] at h0
induction h0 with
where BigStep is all indices: inductive BigStep : Stmt -> State -> State -> Prop
Mario Carneiro (Aug 26 2021 at 21:00):
The standard way to work around this in lean 3 is to generalize the fixed index and add an equality hypothesis. This can be done by generalize
in lean 3, which I believe also exists in lean 4, but if it doesn't work you can also use suffices
and do it manually
Mario Carneiro (Aug 26 2021 at 21:02):
your code suggests you already know this trick, which would be only improved by incorporating the improved generalize_hyp
mathlib tactic (which is a straight generalization of generalize
to allow generalizing at hypotheses too)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC