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Stream: lean4

Topic: injectivity of inductive type function

David Hamelin (Dec 20 2022 at 13:56):


I am trying to prove the theorem no_idea in the following code:

inductive Vector : Nat  Type u where
| vnil : Vector 0
| vcons : Char  {n : Nat}  Vector n  Vector (n+1)
deriving Repr

theorem this_one_works (h: n₁ = n₂) : Vector n₁ = Vector n₂ :=
  rw [h]

theorem no_idea (h: Vector n₁ = Vector n₂) : n₁ = n₂ := sorry

If I had a proof that the type function Vector was injective, it would solve my problem, but I have no idea on how to proceed.

Johan Commelin (Dec 20 2022 at 14:02):

Btw, I'm not sure this is useful theorem. When would you ever use it?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC