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Stream: lean4

Topic: integer division tactic?

Billlie Franch (Jul 27 2023 at 11:44):

I want to ask if there is any useful tactic about integer division in lean4

Julian Berman (Jul 27 2023 at 11:45):

Can you show an example of a goal you're trying to prove?

Billlie Franch (Jul 27 2023 at 11:54):

Julian Berman said:

Can you show an example of a goal you're trying to prove?

 example {m n p : } (coprime_mn : m.coprime n) (prime_p : p.Prime) : m ^ 2  p * n ^ 2 := by

Ruben Van de Velde (Jul 27 2023 at 11:54):

That's a hard one

Eric Wieser (Jul 27 2023 at 11:55):

It looks like that's natural division not integer division

Ruben Van de Velde (Jul 27 2023 at 11:59):

coprime_mn is not needed, is it? I'd just count the multiplicity of p on both sides

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2023 at 12:35):

You need to rule out m=n=0 somehow

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2023 at 12:37):

The cool way to do it would be to define core n to be the squarefree part of n (for n>0 this is the unique squarefree t such that n=tm^2) and make enough API for it, including core(ab^2)=core(a), core(p)=p etc

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2023 at 12:40):

A slightly weird way of doing it with the coprimality assumption would be by proving that m divides pn^2 and hence it divides p and then getting a contradiction in both cases

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2023 at 12:41):

By the way @Billlie Franch if you think lean tactics are up to solving this kind of questions in one line then I'm afraid you've got a lot to lean about the state of the art with lean tactics...

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2023 at 12:41):

Would sledgehammer do this in Isabelle?

Alex Kontorovich (Jul 27 2023 at 12:59):

I'm surprised

import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Padics.PadicVal

theorem padicValNat_ofSquare (n : ) (p : ) (prime_p : p.Prime) (hn : n  0) :
    Even (padicValNat p (n^2)) := by
  have : Fact (p.Prime) := fact_iff.mpr prime_p
  rw [@padicValNat.pow p n this 2 hn]
  use padicValNat p n

isn't in mathlib. (Should it be?)

Then apply padicValNat to both sides; one is even, the other odd...

Alex Kontorovich (Jul 27 2023 at 13:06):

We don't seem to have

theorem padicValNat_mul (n m : ) (hm : m  0) (hn : n  0) (p : ) (prime_p : p.Prime) :
    padicValNat p (n * m) = (padicValNat p n) + (padicValNat p m) :=

either? (A bit more annoying to prove, by the looks of it; trying to untangle Part.get (multiplicity p n) (_ : multiplicity.Finite p n)... We do have multiplicity.mul / multiplicity.mul'...)

Should I try to add these?

Alex J. Best (Jul 27 2023 at 13:14):

We have those, docs#padicValNat.mul, it would be really shocking if we didnt!

import Mathlib

example {m n p : } (hm : m  0) (hn : n  0) (prime_p : p.Prime) : m ^ 2  p * n ^ 2 := by
  apply_fun (Even <| padicValNat p .)
  simp [*, prime_p.pos.ne', padicValNat.mul (hp := prime_p⟩), padicValNat.pow (hp := prime_p⟩),
    parity_simps, padicValNat.self prime_p.one_lt]

Ruben Van de Velde (Jul 27 2023 at 13:15):

There's docs#Nat.Prime.multiplicity_mul

Alex Kontorovich (Jul 27 2023 at 13:29):

Not sure how I missed that. I guess it's farther down in the file, after padicValRat is introduced, so I assumed there wasn't more useful padicValNat stuff down below. (Somehow exact? didn't find it either?...) Anyway, thanks!

Eric Wieser (Jul 27 2023 at 13:31):

padicValNat.mul looks misnamed to be, it should be padicValNat_mul

Matthew Ballard (Jul 27 2023 at 13:37):

I thought it was namespaced?

Alex J. Best (Jul 27 2023 at 13:37):

Alex Kontorovich said:

Not sure how I missed that. I guess it's farther down in the file, after padicValRat is introduced, so I assumed there wasn't more useful padicValNat stuff down below. (Somehow exact? didn't find it either?...) Anyway, thanks!

Do you remember what the precise state you called exact on was? It would be good to either debug or understand that failure (there was one in another thread today already that was a timeout, so could be the same thing)

Alex J. Best (Jul 27 2023 at 13:41):

If its the snippet you posted earlier I guess its just a mismatch between Fact and having the argument explicitly. Maybe we could teach solve_by_elim to try Fact.mk always or something like that?

Alex Kontorovich (Jul 27 2023 at 14:01):

Yes, that was probably it; it knew p.Prime but not Fact p.Prime! Argh...

Eric Wieser (Jul 27 2023 at 14:04):

I'd argue that's also a bug: I thought Fact p.Prime was only for instances such as Field (ZMod p)

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 27 2023 at 14:15):

wait, docs#Nat.Prime.multiplicity_mul has no Fact and neither does the question.

Eric Wieser (Jul 27 2023 at 14:17):

docs#padicValNat.mul does

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC