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Topic: isClass? panic!

Henrik Böving (Sep 18 2023 at 20:53):

I'm currently seeing a panic in the mathlib4_docs CI that looks like this:

PANIC at DocGen4.Process.InstanceInfo.ofDefinitionVal DocGen4.Process.InstanceInfo:31:41: unreachable code has been reached

It occurs after updating doc-gen from leanprover/lean4:v4.0.0 to leanprover/lean4:v4.1.0-rc1

The confusing thing about this is that it hits this unreachable: https://github.com/leanprover/doc-gen4/blob/main/DocGen4/Process/InstanceInfo.lean#L31 and as the doc-string of isClass? says:

  `isClass? type` return `some ClsName` if `type` is an instance of the class `ClsName`.
  #eval do
    let x ← mkAppM ``Inhabited #[mkConst ``Nat]
    IO.println (← isClass? x)
    -- (some Inhabited)

So this should always return some if v is an instance and if you go up to the call site here: https://github.com/leanprover/doc-gen4/blob/main/DocGen4/Process/DocInfo.lean#L161 you will see it only gets called if isInstance is true. So I claim that there is no reason this unreachable! should ever get hit and this is a regression.

I'll add a panic mentioning the name of the instance to create an MWE, just putting this out here in case someone might have an idea for how this regressed already.

Henrik Böving (Sep 18 2023 at 21:41):

CategoryTheory.Factorisation.instIsTerminalFactorisationInstCategoryFactorisationTerminal this seems to be one of the offending instances, which corresponds to this one: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/blob/master/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Category/Factorisation.lean#L119 I don't know how people effectively minimize things that are so deep within mathlib? If someone wants to try the litmus test would be a meta program of the form:

#eval show MetaM _ from do
  let type  inferType ( mkConstWithFreshMVarLevels ``CategoryTheory.Factorisation.instIsTerminalFactorisationInstCategoryFactorisationTerminal)
  isClass? type

as long as this shows none the instance is still breaking the invariant.

Alex J. Best (Sep 18 2023 at 23:37):

I think that doc-gen is right, docs#IsTerminal isn't a class even after unfolding, so the problem isn't the lean upgrade but simply the new content in mathlib. I have made #7245 to fix this. We should also add a linter so that this type of mistake is caught by mathlib CI and not docgen.

Henrik Böving (Sep 19 2023 at 07:03):

In that case I have a second question now if you look here: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4_docs/actions build times dropped from around 1h15min to 30min, did we change the machines that doc-gen is running on? Alternatively it must be skipping some work now due to a bug I guess.

Alex J. Best (Sep 19 2023 at 09:47):

And I made #7250 for the linter, there is one other failure that I might expect would show up in doc gen. And another internal declaration that should be skipped anyway. So hopefully isinstance -> type is a class holds going forward

Alex J. Best (Sep 19 2023 at 09:49):

Henrik Böving said:

In that case I have a second question now if you look here: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4_docs/actions build times dropped from around 1h15min to 30min, did we change the machines that doc-gen is running on? Alternatively it must be skipping some work now due to a bug I guess.

I'm not sure about that, the artifact on github is the same size as previously, so if it is skipping something it doesn't seem to be skipping something that forms a lot of the output

Henrik Böving (Sep 19 2023 at 09:50):

Alex J. Best said:

And I made #7250 for the linter, there is one other failure that I might expect would show up in doc gen. And another internal declaration that should be skipped anyway. So hopefully isinstance -> type is a class holds going forward

Maybe we want this to be an error in the compiler instead of just a linter in mathlib? Doing an instance for a non class doesn't ever seem useful to me.

Henrik Böving (Sep 19 2023 at 09:51):

Alex J. Best said:

Henrik Böving said:

In that case I have a second question now if you look here: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4_docs/actions build times dropped from around 1h15min to 30min, did we change the machines that doc-gen is running on? Alternatively it must be skipping some work now due to a bug I guess.

I'm not sure about that, the artifact on github is the same size as previously, so if it is skipping something it doesn't seem to be skipping something that forms a lot of the output

That's a good heuristic indeed. Who controls the machines that this runs on? / who can we ask about whether the machines changed? I dont think a ~2x speedup can be justified by optimizations that we did on the compiler overnight.

Alex J. Best (Sep 19 2023 at 09:56):

Henrik Böving said:

Alex J. Best said:

And I made #7250 for the linter, there is one other failure that I might expect would show up in doc gen. And another internal declaration that should be skipped anyway. So hopefully isinstance -> type is a class holds going forward

Maybe we want this to be an error in the compiler instead of just a linter in mathlib? Doing an instance for a non class doesn't ever seem useful to me.

I think that is a reasonable thing to do, though presumably it will require a little bit of thought as to how to handle the one exception to the linter there (a mutual block of inductives). So it might not be a 1-line fix in core

Kyle Miller (Sep 19 2023 at 10:04):

Interesting, I didn't realize that the instance attribute didn't check that the type was a class. I think I remember that in Lean 3 it was an error making instances for non-classes.

structure Foo where

instance : Foo := {}

inductive Foo' | mk

instance : Foo' := Foo'.mk

attribute [instance] Foo'.mk

instance : Nat := 0

Kyle Miller (Sep 19 2023 at 10:05):

You can't use non-classes for instance arguments at least:

example [Nat] : True := trivial
invalid binder annotation, type is not a class instance

Anne Baanen (Sep 19 2023 at 10:06):

In Lean 3 it's indeed an error:

structure Foo

instance : Foo := {} -- error: `Foo' is not a class

Anne Baanen (Sep 19 2023 at 10:11):

In fact, Lean 3 and Lean 4 swapped behaviour precisely:

structure Foo : Type

instance : Foo := ⟨⟩
-- Lean 3 error: `Foo' is not a class
-- Lean 4: no problem

example [Foo] : true := ⟨⟩
-- Lean 3: no problem
-- Lean 4 error: invalid binder annotation, type is not a class instance

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC