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Stream: lean4

Topic: lake env for search paths

Adam Topaz (Jun 03 2023 at 17:58):

I'm looking for help about getting the search path from the lake env.
In a new project made using lake new test, I have the following Main.lean

import Lean
import «Test»

def main : IO Unit := do
  IO.println <|  Lean.searchPathRef.get

Running #eval main in the same file prints a populated search path

[./build/lib, ./build/lib, /home/adam/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2023-05-31/lib/lean, /home/adam/.elan/toolchains/leanprover--lean4---nightly-2023-05-31/lib/lean]

And doing lake env lean --run Main.lean in a terminal does the same. However, lake exe test just prints an empty list [].
How would I go about modifying my main function so that lake exe test will print the correct search path?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 03 2023 at 18:08):

there is a function like initSearchPath you need to call

Adam Topaz (Jun 03 2023 at 18:08):

yes I know but that also takes some list to initialize, right?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 03 2023 at 18:10):

  initSearchPath ( findSysroot)

Adam Topaz (Jun 03 2023 at 18:10):

Oh that works.

Adam Topaz (Jun 03 2023 at 18:11):

Thanks! Could you explain a bit more about why this works, just for my understanding? docs4#Lean.initSearchPath has two parameters with the second one having an empty search path as the default.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 03 2023 at 18:12):

that's just add ons to the search path

Mario Carneiro (Jun 03 2023 at 18:12):

you don't have to supply anything there

Adam Topaz (Jun 03 2023 at 18:12):

Aha, I see. Ok, thanks again.

Mario Carneiro (Jun 03 2023 at 18:13):

I believe that function takes search data from LEAN_PATH environment variable and puts it in Lean.searchPathRef

Adam Topaz (Jun 03 2023 at 18:14):


Adam Topaz (Jun 03 2023 at 18:15):

so do I understand correctly that lake sets that LEAN_PATH env variable when it's called?

Adam Topaz (Jun 03 2023 at 19:38):

There's still something I don't understand. I now have the following Main.lean:

import Lean
import «Test»

open Lean

def main : IO Unit := do
  let contents  IO.FS.readFile "Test.lean"
  let inputCtx := Parser.mkInputContext contents "<input>"
  let (hdr, _, msgs) :=  Parser.parseHeader inputCtx
  initSearchPath ( findSysroot)
  let (env, _)  Elab.processHeader hdr {} msgs inputCtx
  IO.println s!"Found {env.constants.toList.length} constants."

and Test.lean just has import Lean.

Using lake exe test shows 0 constants, but #eval main (or lake env lean --run Main.lean) gives Found 166803 constants as expected. What am I doing wrong here? Does processHeader need some additional options?

Mario Carneiro (Jun 03 2023 at 20:13):

I haven't seen processHeader used for this, usually you use importModules to get the environment

Adam Topaz (Jun 03 2023 at 20:17):

I think leanink does something like this with processHeader

Mario Carneiro (Jun 03 2023 at 20:18):

oh yes it calls importModules

Mario Carneiro (Jun 03 2023 at 20:18):

you are ignoring the returned messages, and that function returns an empty env on errors. Try this:

  let (env, msgs)  Elab.processHeader hdr {} msgs inputCtx
  for msg in msgs.msgs do
    IO.println ( msg.toString)
  IO.println s!"Found {env.constants.toList.length} constants."

Mario Carneiro (Jun 03 2023 at 20:19):

I'm getting

<input>:1:0: error: could not find native implementation of external declaration 'UInt64.ofNatCore' (symbols 'l_UInt64_ofNatCore___boxed' or 'l_UInt64_ofNatCore')

Found 0 constants.

Adam Topaz (Jun 03 2023 at 20:21):

Thanks. I’ll try it out when I get back to the computer

Adam Topaz (Jun 04 2023 at 02:17):

Okay, so printing out the messages does indeed give me exactly what Mario said above:

$ lake exe test
<input>:1:0: error: could not find native implementation of external declaration 'UInt64.ofNatCore' (symbols 'l_UInt64_ofNatCore___boxed' or 'l_UInt64_ofNatCore')

Found 0 constants.

But I still don't understand why this fails but the following works:

$ lake env lean --run Main.lean
Found 166803 constants.

Mac Malone (Jun 04 2023 at 11:21):

@Adam Topaz you need to add supportInterpreter := true as a configuration option to your lean_exe test. This will make Lean symbols (e.g., UInt64.ofNatCore) available to your executable.

Adam Topaz (Jun 04 2023 at 13:44):

Thanks @Mac that indeed worked on my "test" project.
I have now tried this in an actual project, where Test.lean is replaced by Mathlib.lean from mathlib4, and I'm getting another error as one of the messages when trying to process the header:

<input>:1:0: error: unknown package 'Init'

with 0 constants found again. Using lake env lean --run ... works though. Is there another configuration option that I'm missing?

Edit: Ignore this -- I had a different bug in my code. All is well now. Thanks Mario and Mac!

Mac Malone (Jun 05 2023 at 15:47):

Adam Topaz said:

I have now tried this in an actual project, where Test.lean is replaced by Mathlib.lean from mathlib4

What do you mean? Are importing Mathlib.lean in Test.lean or are you building a mathlib executable?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC