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Stream: lean4

Topic: lol another WASM question

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 11 2021 at 07:10):

ok so this is another WASM question and you might think in your head oh why does this guy love WASM so much. is Lean 4 significantly faster than Lean 3 on WASM? in the future I might package Lean 4 for use on the web because why not :joy: Lean 3 can be annoyingly slow on WASM sometimes

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jun 11 2021 at 07:14):

if Lean 4 is still slow on WASM I might need to consider other approaches, for example running Lean 4 on a server with appropriate sandboxing

Mario Carneiro (Jun 11 2021 at 07:25):

It will probably be faster for builtin stuff and about the same for interpreted stuff. But WASM may significantly complicate the bootstrapping/plugin situation for libraries like mathlib that depend on compiled tactics

Wojciech Nawrocki (Jun 11 2021 at 18:26):

@Huỳnh Trần Khanh it depends on what you mean by "Lean 4 on WASM". We recently added an Emscripten build which can run under Node.js. Precise benchmarks TBD, but it is currently slower than native. However there is lots of optimisation work specific to Emscripten to be done. What is your intended use-case for "Lean4 on the web"? A build that will be usable in the browser as a library is WIP. But there are no immediate plans for running the LSP server in browsers (although it would be cool). Also we require the Emscripten runtime. A standalone/WASI build is not planned.

Wojciech Nawrocki (Jun 11 2021 at 18:28):

WASM may significantly complicate the bootstrapping/plugin situation for libraries like mathlib that depend on compiled tactics

Amazingly enough, the Emscripten people implemented a (admittedly simple, but good enough) dynamic linker, so we can load dylibs/plugins.

Ryan Lahfa (Jun 12 2021 at 13:57):

Wojciech Nawrocki said:

Huỳnh Trần Khanh it depends on what you mean by "Lean 4 on WASM". We recently added an Emscripten build which can run under Node.js. Precise benchmarks TBD, but it is currently slower than native. However there is lots of optimisation work specific to Emscripten to be done. What is your intended use-case for "Lean4 on the web"? A build that will be usable in the browser as a library is WIP. But there are no immediate plans for running the LSP server in browsers (although it would be cool). Also we require the Emscripten runtime. A standalone/WASI build is not planned.

Is this public? I'm interested, I was planning to tackle the WASM Lean 4 issue but didn't had any time to fix it

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 12 2021 at 15:05):


Xubai Wang (Mar 06 2022 at 06:12):

Wojciech Nawrocki said:

A standalone/WASI build is not planned.

Why is that? It seems Emscripten does not provide more functionality than WASI (thread is unavailable in both), and many languages prefer standalone (rust) or wasi (swiftwasm, tinygo). Also WASI is the WebAssembly standard.

Xubai Wang (Mar 06 2022 at 06:20):

Also in lean 3 Emscripten compiles the whole lean program into lean.js and lean.wasm. What can I do if I just want to compile a single lake project?

Sebastian Ullrich (Mar 06 2022 at 09:28):

It seems Emscripten does not provide more functionality than WASI

I don't think that's true, Emscripten supports C++ exceptions that Lean uses. But I don't think the stdlib implementation needs them, so building a standalone Lean 4 program against WASI might be possible.

Xubai Wang (Mar 06 2022 at 10:12):

Oh yes, exception for WASM is still in proposal stage :upside_down: (WASI will have hope when all C++ stuff is moved to Lean).

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC