Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: macro nonReservedSymbol?

Sebastian Ullrich (Aug 08 2021 at 08:07):

Not pretty, but fooSym:&"foo"

Mac (Aug 08 2021 at 12:29):

Sebastian Ullrich said:

Not pretty, but fooSym:&"foo"

Ah, would it be possible for macros to support the underscore for irrelevant values (i.e., _:&"foo")?

Sebastian Ullrich (Aug 08 2021 at 12:31):

That, or not requiring the ident: part in the first place

Mac (Aug 08 2021 at 12:32):

That would also be great, but I am not sure if all stx terms can be lifted unambiguously into macro (so _:stx may still be useful in some cases).

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC