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Stream: lean4

Topic: match gaurds

Joseph O (Feb 15 2022 at 20:54):

how do i fix this type error

def allPairsAux (xs: List α) (ys: List β) (accum: List (α × β)) :=
  match xs, ys with
  | _, [] => accum
  | [], _ => accum
  | x::xs, y::ys =>
    allPairsAux xs ys ((x, y)::accum)
type mismatch
has type
  List (α × β) : Type (max ?u.18 ?u.15)
but is expected to have type
  ?m.166 : Sort ?u.25

Joseph O (Feb 15 2022 at 20:56):

should i write out the return type?

Joseph O (Feb 15 2022 at 20:56):

yeah that fixed it

Joseph O (Feb 15 2022 at 21:09):

excuse my previous question, i have a new one:

how can i have gaurds on patterns, like in f# i can do

match x with

Wojciech Nawrocki (Feb 15 2022 at 21:22):

Afaik Lean doesn't support pattern guards, so you would just write => if x > 5 then .. else ...

Kyle Miller (Feb 15 2022 at 21:35):

Here's a hacky way to have a pattern guard, where you add an additional boolean discriminant:

notation:50 e:51 " matches " p:0 " where " f:0 => ((match e with | p => f | _ => false) : Bool)

def foo (l : List Nat) : List Nat :=
  match l, l matches (x :: _) where x > 5 with
  | (x :: xs), true => xs
  | _, _ => l

The matches notation gave me the idea.

Joseph O (Feb 15 2022 at 23:08):

Man, @Kyle Miller you are the master of hacky solutions

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC