Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: minor linter issue

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 19 2022 at 07:43):

namespace PSigma

theorem subtype_ext {β : Sort _} {p : α  β  Prop} :
     {x₀ x₁ : Σ'a, Subtype (p a)}, x₀.fst = x₁.fst  (x₀.snd : β) = x₁.snd  x₀ = x₁
  | _, _, _⟩, _, _, hb₁⟩, rfl, rfl => rfl


(correct) linter error

unused variable `hb₁` [linter.unusedVariables]

but the squiggle is in the wrong place (not under `hb₁`)


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC