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Stream: lean4
Topic: missing cases produces suggestions which fail
Bhavik Mehta (Sep 09 2023 at 00:31):
This came up in LftCM:
import Std
structure MyType : Type where
fst : Nat
snd : Nat
theorem MyType.le_of_rel : ∀ {a b : MyType},
(a.1 ≤ b.1 ∧ a.2 = b.2) ∨ (0 < a.2 ∧ a.2 ≤ b.2) ∨ (0 < a.2 ∧ b.2 = 0) → a = b
| (mk _ _), (mk _ _), (Or.inr (Or.inr (And.intro _ (Eq.refl _)))) => _
tells me (correctly) there are two cases missing:
(mk _ _), (mk _ _), (@Or.inr (@Or.inl (@And.intro _ _)))
(mk _ _), (mk _ _), (@Or.inl (@And.intro _ Eq.refl))
The first of these doesn't work because there are too many @
signs printed here. The second also has this problem, but fixing the @
signs produces another problem, that Eq.refl wants an explicit argument. Fixing this produces a third problem, saying that dependent elimination failed:
dependent elimination failed, type mismatch when solving alternative with type
motive { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ } { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }
(_ :
{ fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.fst ≤ { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.fst ∧
{ fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd = { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd ∨
0 < { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd ∧ { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd ≤ { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd ∨
0 < { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd ∧ { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd = 0)
but expected
motive { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ } { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }
(_ :
{ fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.fst ≤ { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }.fst ∧
{ fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd = { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }.snd ∨
0 < { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd ∧ { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd ≤ { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }.snd ∨
0 < { fst := fst✝¹, snd := snd✝ }.snd ∧ { fst := fst✝, snd := snd✝ }.snd = 0)
Bhavik Mehta (Sep 09 2023 at 00:35):
To be clear, I'm expecting to be able to induct on Eq.refl
here, and I expected the suggestions for missing cases to be valid things to put in the match (note this latter property is true in lean 3)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC