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Stream: lean4

Topic: normalising whitespace

Scott Morrison (Oct 19 2023 at 01:37):

@Mac Malone @Marc Huisinga

In Mathlib we have a .vscode/settings.json file containing:

  "editor.insertSpaces": true,
  "editor.tabSize": 2,
  "editor.rulers" : [100],
  "files.encoding": "utf8",
  "files.eol": "\n",
  "files.insertFinalNewline": true,
  "files.trimFinalNewlines": true,
  "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,

Mostly this is basic whitespace normalisation. I would really like to see this effortlessly become the defaults in all new projects.

Take a moment, for example, to look at @Patrick Massot trying to help Terry Tao, but there are spurious whitespace changes everywhere: https://github.com/teorth/symmetric_project/pull/8/files. Not cool!

It seems there are two ways we could achieve this:

  • Can the VSCode extension just change the defaults to these for Lean files?
  • If not, can the standard lake new template include these?

We need some fix for this.

Mac Malone (Oct 19 2023 at 01:46):

@Scott Morrison One question here is what about users using other editors (e.g., EMACS or neovim)? Having inconsistency between editor configurations seems like it would cause just as much confusion.

Scott Morrison (Oct 19 2023 at 01:47):

I think I'd just quote Leo's recent statement about the primacy of VSCode. :-)

Scott Morrison (Oct 19 2023 at 01:48):

I mean, of course we can suggest that the maintainers of those editor extensions coordinate.

Scott Morrison (Oct 19 2023 at 01:48):

But I don't think we should wait on them.

Scott Morrison (Oct 19 2023 at 01:48):

I admit I don't know who maintains the emacs and neovim extensions; anyone who does know could ping them here!

Mac Malone (Oct 19 2023 at 01:49):

I believe @Julian Berman is responsible for the neovim extension and I believe @Sebastian Ullrich is at least a major contributor to the EMACS extension.

Julian Berman (Oct 19 2023 at 01:54):

lean.nvim already defaults to all of that besides auto-trimming whitespace FWIW.

Mac Malone (Oct 19 2023 at 01:57):

One other concern I have is there exist a number of pitfalls when it comes to committing the .vscode folder. Folder settings cannot be extended and override user settings. Thus, if a user has extensions that need to be configured via the settings.json and are local to a machine it is hard to do so. The only workaround I know for this is to create VSCode workspace for the file (i.e., a .codw-workspace file) -- though I am not sure if there are any limitations to that solution. See, for example, this StackOverflow question which has some extensive discussion of the pros and cons of this in the anwers and comments.

Julian Berman (Oct 19 2023 at 02:00):

We have some control over extensions installed during VSCode setup right? Maybe installing the editorconfig extension and putting those settings there solves some of that (though I haven't read that thread fully honestly)

Siddhartha Gadgil (Oct 19 2023 at 05:34):

Scott Morrison said:

But I don't think we should wait on them.

To state the obvious, we can safely assume that users of editors other than VScode are experts (i.e., computer experts, not necessarily Lean experts) so changes to reduce errors can prioritize VS code.

Marc Huisinga (Oct 19 2023 at 08:13):

vscode-lean4#341 adjusts the defaults for whitespace.

Marc Huisinga (Oct 19 2023 at 08:21):

If we find that users commonly have user settings configured that override these defaults in undesirable ways, we can revisit the question of whether we want to generate a settings.jsonthat overrides their own settings entirely.

David Thrane Christiansen (Oct 19 2023 at 19:34):

Generating a default editorconfig file with the desired settings seems like a nice improvement as well

Marc Huisinga (Oct 20 2023 at 06:29):

I think that an editorconfig file may be better generated in lake, because users of other editors are unlikely to use VS Code to initialize their project.

David Thrane Christiansen (Oct 20 2023 at 11:21):

I agree - I had thought that VSCode used Lake to set up the projects, but I suppose I was wrong

Marc Huisinga (Oct 20 2023 at 11:23):

David Thrane Christiansen said:

I agree - I had thought that VSCode used Lake to set up the projects, but I suppose I was wrong

VS Code uses Lake to set up projects, but the new VS Code commands do a few other things beyond just calling the lake command. One of these things could be to also initialize it with a settings.json (vscode-lean4#325), but if we go the editorconfig route, it should definitely be lake that sets it up.

Mac Malone (Oct 22 2023 at 03:46):

I think editorconfig route sounds like a good idea. However, I have never used it before. What do we want the default file to look like?

Marc Huisinga (Oct 22 2023 at 07:32):

Mac Malone said:

I think editorconfig route sounds like a good idea. However, I have never used it before. What do we want the default file to look like?

The editorconfig extension supports six properties, which are coincidentally almost exactly those that are used by mathlib4, so we should probably just assign them in this way.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC