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Stream: lean4

Topic: not_or_not in TBA course

Kevin Buzzard (May 05 2021 at 10:36):

Idle thoughts, nothing important. I was trying the exercises in @Sebastian Ullrich 's course, and I was proving not_or_not. With match it's fine:

theorem not_or_not : (¬p  ¬q)  ¬(p  q) := λ h hp, hq =>
match h with
| Or.inl h1 => h1 hp
| Or.inr h2 => h2 hq

But without it I tried

theorem not_or_not : (¬p  ¬q)  ¬(p  q) := λ h hp, hq => h.rec _ _

and instead of both underscores being underlined in red so I can fill them in, the entire h.rec _ _ is underlined in red with a type mismatch error. I'm assuming this is some unification issue (I don't really know what higher order unification is but this is usually what people say is the problem when this sort of thing happens), so I fix it with the funky new @-free trick

theorem not_or_not : (¬p  ¬q)  ¬(p  q) := λ h hp, hq =>
h.rec (motive := (λ x => False)) _ _

and now I do get the underscores, but the goals are annoyingly ∀ (h : ¬p), (fun (x : ¬p ∨ ¬q) => False) (Or.inl h) i.e. non-beta-reduced. I beta-reduced them in my head and made it home, but I couldn't figure out a neat way of getting Lean to do it: for example

theorem not_or_not : (¬p  ¬q)  ¬(p  q) := λ h hp, hq =>
h.rec (motive := (λ x => False)) (λ h => by simp; exact (λ h => _)) _

still gives me an error on all of exact (λ h => _) whereas I was really hoping to just see False. The match approach doesn't have this problem at all. I guess I am not entirely sure how to do this in Lean 3 either. How come match is doing better than this motive := trick?

PS I am quite surprised that

theorem not_or_not : (¬p  ¬q)  ¬(p  q) := λ h hp, hq =>
h.rec (λ h1 => h1 hp) (λ h2 => h2 hq)

doesn't work. If you feed it the motive it's fine.

Mario Carneiro (May 05 2021 at 10:53):

The reason the direct h.rec doesn't work is because @[elab_as_eliminator] was removed in lean 4

Mario Carneiro (May 05 2021 at 10:53):

the recommended workaround is "use match instead"

Mario Carneiro (May 05 2021 at 10:55):

Your exact (λ h => _) doesn't make sense because the goal is (defeq to) False, not a function type

Mario Carneiro (May 05 2021 at 10:55):

unfortunately exact error spans leave much to be desired. refine acts more like lean 3 exact

Eric Wieser (May 05 2021 at 10:55):

Where does that leave us with custom induction principles, if tagging with elab_as_eliminator is no longer an option?

Mario Carneiro (May 05 2021 at 10:56):

You can use induction using

Eric Wieser (May 05 2021 at 10:56):

Does that work for Kevin's example?

Mario Carneiro (May 05 2021 at 10:57):

I think so, it should act like the match

Mario Carneiro (May 05 2021 at 10:58):

def custom_induction := @Or.rec

theorem not_or_not : (¬p  ¬q)  ¬(p  q) := λ h hp, hq => by
  induction h using custom_induction with
  | inl h1 => exact h1 hp
  | inr h2 => exact h2 hq

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC