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Stream: lean4

Topic: of_decide_eq_true implementation

Mike Schneeberger (Apr 07 2023 at 10:12):

Why is the theorem of_decide_eq_true (from Prelude.lean) ...

theorem of_decide_eq_true [inst : Decidable p] : Eq (decide p) true  p := fun h =>
  match (generalizing := false) inst with
  | isTrue  h₁ => h₁
  | isFalse h₁ => absurd h (ne_true_of_eq_false (decide_eq_false h₁))

.... not simply implemented like this?

theorem of_decide_eq_true [inst : Decidable p] : Eq (decide p) true  p := fun h =>
  match inst with
  | isTrue (h1 : p) => h1
  | isFalse _ => Bool.noConfusion h

Mario Carneiro (Apr 07 2023 at 16:43):

you are welcome to PR it (no promises about it getting in though, I'm not the one with the big green button when it comes to changes to core)

Mario Carneiro (Apr 07 2023 at 16:44):

the main important aspect would be ensuring that both implementations compile to an unreachable, but I think that will be the case here

Mario Carneiro (Apr 07 2023 at 16:46):

actually since this is a theorem I guess the compilation doesn't even matter here. Proofs in core are sometimes a bit weird since they aren't the focus

Mario Carneiro (Apr 07 2023 at 16:47):

the more idiomatic proof would use nomatch h instead of noConfusion directly

Mario Carneiro (Apr 07 2023 at 16:47):

you might even be able to leave off the isFalse case entirely

Reid Barton (Apr 07 2023 at 19:14):

It may have been hand-ported from Lean 3 long ago and never given any further attention.

Mike Schneeberger (Apr 10 2023 at 08:05):

yes, nomatch h works as well:

theorem of_decide_eq_true [inst : Decidable p] : Eq (decide p) true  p := fun h =>
  match inst with
  | isTrue (h1 : p) => h1
  | isFalse _ => nomatch h

Concerning a PR, it says in the contribution guidelines to hold off on submitting PRs. I guess, the core team will eventually clean up Prelude.lean and simplify theorems like of_decide_eq_true that are hand-ported from Lean3 anyway. Or, what do you think?

Thanks a lot for the clarifications!

Mario Carneiro (Apr 10 2023 at 09:45):

It is unlikely that anything will happen to these proofs unless contributors care to make modifications (and there is a chance that such modifications will be seen as a nuisance), which is why they tend to sit unmodified for a long time

Kevin Buzzard (Apr 10 2023 at 10:29):

In case you hadn't seen from another thread, the main core lean developer has been in the process of changing jobs and there is a backlog of issues right now; this issue, whilst cool, can probably wait until the developers remove the warning that they are overwhelmed from the lean 4 contributions readme

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC