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Stream: lean4
Topic: outparam classes
Jason Gross (Mar 12 2021 at 19:32):
I'm getting
class Arr (α : Sort u1) (γ : outParam (Sort u2)) where
Arr : α → α → γ
infix:70 " ~> " => Arr.Arr
class Compose (α : Sort u) (β : outParam (Sort u2)) [Arr α β] [CoeSort β (Sort u3)] where
compose : ∀ {a b c : α}, coeSort (a ~> b) → coeSort (b ~> c) → coeSort (a ~> c)
-- invalid class, parameter #3 depends on `outParam`, but it is not an `outParam`
It seems to me like this should be valid, because Arr α β
has β
as an outParam
and therefore by the time we need to go looking for CoeSort β _
, we should have already synthesized β. Am I missing something?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 12 2021 at 20:25):
It sounds like you don't want beta to be an outParam of Compose
Jason Gross (Mar 12 2021 at 20:28):
If β
is not an outParam
of Compose
, then tc resolution won't trigger unless β
has no metas when searching for Compose
. But in fact β
will never be known when triggering TC search on Compose
, and should always be derived as the result of synthesizing the Arr
Jason Gross (Mar 12 2021 at 20:52):
Here's the problem I don't know how to solve with typeclasses in Lean 4 currently:
I want to have two instances
Arr T1 T2
Arr T1 (Sort _)
The second argument of Arr
needs to be outParam
for it to trigger when I don't know the sort universe. However, it seems that then there's no way to have both instances around in a usable way. I want something where Arr T1 (Sort ?u)
will trigger TC search and find the second instance, and Arr T1 T2
will trigger TC search and find the first instance. This doesn't currently seem to be possible (unless I can declare a coercion from Arr T1 T2
to Arr T1 (Sort _)
and have tc resolution pick up the coercion when it tries to do the final unification?)
Jason Gross (Mar 12 2021 at 21:40):
Oh! Perhaps this is exactly what default instances are for
Leonardo de Moura (Mar 13 2021 at 03:08):
Jason Gross said:
Oh! Perhaps this is exactly what default instances are for
I didn't read your example carefully yet. We had more modest goals for the default instances (see Default instances thread). Not sure how well they will work for your scenario.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC