Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: lean4

Topic: position dependent macros

Mario Carneiro (Jul 13 2021 at 23:12):

One nice thing about the rust panic! macro (and other macros like it) is that it will report the file position of the macro call itself along with the panic message. I'm wondering what it would take to do something like this in lean 4. Here's my attempt:

import Lean
open Lean

macro:max "throw!"%tk interpStr:interpolatedStr(term) : term => do
  let head := Syntax.mkStrLit $ match tk.getPos? with
  | none => "[?]: "
  | some x => s!"[{x}]: "
  let str  interpStr.expandInterpolatedStr ( `(String)) ( `(toString))
  `(throwError (($head : MessageData) ++ $str))

def foo : CoreM Unit := throw!"nope"
                           -- ^ this is character 343
#eval foo -- [343]: nope

This is okay, but I would much rather get a line number than a byte position in the file, and I'm not sure how to get that info out of MacroM

Mario Carneiro (Jul 13 2021 at 23:13):

(it's also not clear to me why the position I get is the beginning of the string instead of the throw! token)

Wojciech Nawrocki (Jul 14 2021 at 00:11):

I wanna say this is currently impossible because MacroM does not contain a FileMap. Probably a way to turn String.Pos into a position could be added to Methods, but why not use a custom elaborator like panic!?

Mac (Jul 14 2021 at 00:45):

To elaborate on @Wojciech Nawrocki point. The fileMap of a source file is available through an InputContext. Said fileMap has a method toPosition that converts a String.Pos to a Position that consists of a line and column number. An example of this being used in Parsers can be seen here: in toErrorMsg. Unfortunately, neither the InputContext nor an alternative method of producing Position from String.Pos is available to macros.

Mario Carneiro (Jul 14 2021 at 01:46):

Okay, this is slightly improved:

import Lean
open Lean

elab:max "throw!" interpStr:interpolatedStr(term) : term <= ty => do
  let pos  Elab.getRefPosition
  let head := Syntax.mkStrLit $ mkErrorStringWithPos ( read).fileName pos ""
  let str  Elab.liftMacroM <| interpStr.expandInterpolatedStr ( `(String)) ( `(toString))
  Elab.Term.elabTerm ( `(throwError (($head : MessageData) ++ $str))) ty

def foo : CoreM Unit := throw!"nope"

#eval foo -- <input>:10:24: nope

Unfortunately it seems the provided file name is a dummy

Wojciech Nawrocki (Jul 14 2021 at 01:50):

Try running that from the command line :) <input> is used by the LSP server. I guess we can use the real URI there, although sometimes it is a weird virtual one.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC