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Stream: lean4

Topic: predicate mapping

Alexandre Rademaker (Sep 22 2023 at 22:49):

I would like to implement a function like

 def h₁ (Qs Ps : x  Prop) (Qt : t) (Pt : t  t  Prop) : Prop :=
    x y e, (Qs x  Ps y  (poss e y x  _of_p e y x  compound e y x))   v, Pt Qt v

But Qt and Pt are 'translations' from Qs and Ps. So it would be better to do something like:

 def h₁ (Qs Ps : x  Prop) (map : ???) : Prop :=
    x y e, (Qs x  Ps y  (poss e y x  _of_p e y x  compound e y x))   v, (map Ps) (map Qs) v

What options do I have to implement the mapping? An inductive type? How do we extract the mapping from types like the ones below?

 inductive NodeMap : (x -> Prop) -> t -> Type :=
 | nm_benzene : NodeMap _benzene_n_1 benzene

 inductive EdgeMap : (x -> Prop) -> (t -> t -> Prop) -> Type :=
 | em_toxicity : EdgeMap _toxicity_n_1 toxicity

Alexandre Rademaker (Sep 25 2023 at 16:59):

Another option would be implementing a hashtable from x → Prop to t (node mappings). The point is that those mappings will be obtained from external processes.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC