Zulip Chat Archive
Stream: lean4
Topic: printing floats
Arthur Paulino (Apr 30 2022 at 00:17):
I've been meaning to ask this question for a while, but why are Float
numbers printed with extra zeros in the right? I always have to clean it up with a function like this before printing floats
def removeRightmostZeros (s : String) : String :=
let rec aux (buff res : List Char) : List Char → List Char
| [] => res.reverse
| a :: as =>
if a != '0'
then aux [] (a :: (buff ++ res)) as
else aux (a :: buff) res as
⟨aux [] [] s.data⟩
#eval 1.4 -- 1.400000
#eval (toString 1.4) -- "1.400000"
#eval removeRightmostZeros (toString 1.4) -- "1.4"
Leonardo de Moura (Apr 30 2022 at 00:33):
The Float
to String
is implemented in the runtime
extern "C" LEAN_EXPORT lean_obj_res lean_float_to_string(double a) {
return mk_string(std::to_string(a));
The function std::to_string
is from the C++ standard library. It would be great to replace it with something better.
Arthur Paulino (Apr 30 2022 at 00:37):
I see, thanks!
What do you mean by "better" in this case? Something else besides cleaning these trailing zeros?
Leonardo de Moura (Apr 30 2022 at 00:51):
"better" = "use the same approach used in languages like Haskell or Rust" :)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC