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Stream: lean4

Topic: protected constructors

Yakov Pechersky (Oct 24 2022 at 04:54):

In mathlib3, we sometimes protect inductive constructors like so (from src#lift_rel.inl):

/-- Lifts pointwise two relations between `α` and `γ` and between `β` and `δ` to a relation between
`α ⊕ β` and `γ ⊕ δ`. -/
inductive lift_rel (r : α  γ  Prop) (s : β  δ  Prop) : α  β  γ  δ  Prop
| inl {a c} : r a c  lift_rel (inl a) (inl c)
| inr {b d} : s b d  lift_rel (inr b) (inr d)

attribute [protected] lift_rel.inl lift_rel.inr

What would be the equivalent for lean4 in this snippet?

namespace Sum

/-- Lifts pointwise two relations between `α` and `γ` and between `β` and `δ` to a relation between
`α ⊕ β` and `γ ⊕ δ`. -/
inductive LiftRel (r : α  γ  Prop) (s : β  δ  Prop) : Sum α β  Sum γ δ  Prop
| inl {a c} : r a c  LiftRel r s (.inl a) (.inl c)
| inr {b d} : s b d  LiftRel r s (.inr b) (.inr d)

end Sum

Mario Carneiro (Oct 24 2022 at 05:43):

/-- Lifts pointwise two relations between `α` and `γ` and between `β` and `δ` to a relation between
`α ⊕ β` and `γ ⊕ δ`. -/
inductive LiftRel (r : α  γ  Prop) (s : β  δ  Prop) : Sum α β  Sum γ δ  Prop
| protected inl {a c} : r a c  LiftRel r s (.inl a) (.inl c)
| protected inr {b d} : s b d  LiftRel r s (.inr b) (.inr d)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC