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Stream: lean4

Topic: replacing syntax node with `sorry`

Jon Eugster (Aug 21 2023 at 10:26):

I am trying to write a "tactic" Template that evaluates a tactic block, but also stores a (string) version of this tactic block, where all Holes are replaced with sorry so it can be used as a template later. But I'm struggling to create a sorry syntax node. #mwe:

open Lean

def replaceHoles (tacs : Syntax) : Syntax :=
  match tacs with
  | Syntax.node info kind args =>
    match kind with
    | `GameServer.Tactic.Hole =>
      -- Replace the hole with a sorry.
      dbg_trace "got one!"
      -- TODO: How do I create a `sorry` syntax node?
      Syntax.node info `Lean.Parser.Tactic.tacticSorry #[]
    | k =>
      -- Iterate over the `args` to search for holes in there
      let newArgs := args.map <| (replaceHoles ·)
      Syntax.node info k newArgs
  | other =>
    -- Don't do anything to other syntax
  1. how do I create the sorry syntax at the TODO? (i.e. what should I put instead of #[]?
  2. Is there a better way to do this? In particular I'd need to show termination for this kind of approach...

Expected Behaviour

Alex J. Best (Aug 21 2023 at 13:50):

You can use check statements like #check `(command| theorem a : Nat := by sorry) to see what the syntax of a given command, idk if there is a better way but this works at least. So it seems you want #[Syntax.atom info "sorry"]

Jon Eugster (Aug 21 2023 at 14:17):

Oh thanks! I tried to dbg_trace it, but didn't realise that it was an .atom instead of a .node, so the outputs didn't make sense.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC