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Stream: lean4

Topic: runFrontend on a file with imports

Arthur Paulino (Jul 04 2022 at 21:21):

Hello! :wave:
I'm trying to run Lean.Elab.runFrontend on a file that has imports. It works fine if the file only imports builtin content like Init.Data etc. But when I try to run it on a file that imports content from another file in my project, it causes errors like

examples/Foo.lean:2:0: error: unknown package 'Yatima'
You might need to open '/home/arthur/dev/lean/yatima-lang' as a workspace in your editor
examples/Foo.lean:7:6: error: expected '=>'
examples/Foo.lean:11:6: error: expected '=>'
examples/Foo.lean:15:6: error: expected '=>'
examples/Foo.lean:32:0: error: invalid 'end', insufficient scopes

I'm already doing Lean.initSearchPath $ ← Lean.findSysroot before running the frontend btw. Help is very much appreciated :pray:

Mac (Jul 04 2022 at 22:28):

How are your running the file that is executing runFrontend? Are you building an executable and doing lake env foo?

Mac (Jul 04 2022 at 22:33):

LEAN_PATH needs to be augmented with the paths of third-party packages' olean directories in order for imports to work (which is what lake env does).

Arthur Paulino (Jul 04 2022 at 22:39):

Oh, let me try that!

Arthur Paulino (Jul 04 2022 at 22:49):

Oh wow that worked! Tyvm @Mac

Arthur Paulino (Jul 04 2022 at 22:49):

Btw, is there a way for me to set the environment from within my binary so the user doesn't have to use lake env?

Mac (Jul 04 2022 at 23:16):

If your goal is to support arbitrary third-party packages specified through Lake then, no, not really.

If you have a fixed set of additional modules you want to import, you can add their olean directories to search path via initSearchPath (← Lean.findSysroot) #[<more>, <olean>, <dirs>].

If really don't like using lake env, you can either import Lake itself use it methods to figure out the olean directories of the workspace, or you can invoke lake print-paths <imports> from within your binary to get the set of olean directories for the imports as JSON (see LeanPaths).

Arthur Paulino (Jul 04 2022 at 23:19):

You mean doing this

import Lake itself use it methods to figure out the olean directories of the workspace

To, then, do this:

initSearchPath (← Lean.findSysroot) #[<more>, <olean>, <dirs>]

Did I get it right?

Mac (Jul 04 2022 at 23:21):


Mac (Jul 04 2022 at 23:21):

Those were alternative options.

Mac (Jul 04 2022 at 23:21):


Arthur Paulino (Jul 04 2022 at 23:23):

import Lake itself use it methods to figure out the olean directories of the workspace

What do I do with those directories?

Mac (Jul 04 2022 at 23:23):

That is, you can either already have a fixed set of directories you know about and do initSearchPath (← Lean.findSysroot) #[<more>, <olean>, <dirs>. OR, you can import Lake and ask it to figure things out itself. For example, doc-gen4 does approximately this:

let (leanInstall?, lakeInstall?)  Lake.findInstall?
match Lake.Cli.mkLakeConfig {leanInstall?, lakeInstall?} with
| Except.ok config =>
  let ws : Lake.Workspace  Lake.loadWorkspace config |>.run Lake.MonadLog.eio
  let lean := config.leanInstall
  if lean.githash  Lean.githash then
    IO.println s!"WARNING: This doc-gen was built with Lean: {Lean.githash} but the project is running on: {lean.githash}"
  let lake := config.lakeInstall
  let ctx  Lake.mkBuildContext ws lean lake
  (ws.root.buildImportsAndDeps imports *> pure ()) |>.run Lake.MonadLog.eio ctx
  let mut sp : Lean.SearchPath := []
  sp  addSearchPathFromEnv sp
  sp := lake.oleanDir :: lean.oleanDir :: sp
  sp := ws.oleanPath ++ sp
  searchPathRef.set sp
  -- ...
| Except.error err =>
  throw $ IO.userError err.toString

Arthur Paulino (Jul 04 2022 at 23:25):

Can't I import Lake to figure out the oleans directory and then pass it to initSearchPath (← Lean.findSysroot) #[<more>, <olean>, <dirs>?

Mac (Jul 04 2022 at 23:34):

Well, that is partly what the above code does. The problem is that initSearchPath does not work they way you want if you have more builtin modules you wish to add (as initSearchPath will prioritize user modules over builtin ones, which can cause bugs).

Mac (Jul 04 2022 at 23:36):

The above code also builds the imports but you can skip that step if desired.

Arthur Paulino (Jul 05 2022 at 00:58):

This happens when I import Lake:

error: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: initialize_Lake
>>> referenced by Frontend.c
>>>               ./build/ir/Yatima/Compiler/Frontend.o:(initialize_Yatima_Compiler_Frontend)
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Arthur Paulino (Jul 05 2022 at 12:09):

Solution: I had to add Lake as a dependency in my lakefile.lean. Thanks @Henrik Böving!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC