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Stream: lean4

Topic: set_option ... in section, vs variable in section

Adam Topaz (Aug 31 2023 at 03:12):

I just came across something curious.
First, here's a bit of Lean4 code that does what is expected:

variable (α : Type u) in
set_option pp.universes true in section

#check α


It just shows α : Type u in the infoview at the #check location.
Now let's flip the set_option and variable commands:

set_option pp.universes true in
variable (α : Type u) in section

#check α


This results in an error at alpha: unknown identifier 'α'.

Now let's remove the set_option:

variable (α : Type u) in section

#check α


This again works, and shows α : Type u at the #check location.

What's going on?

Damiano Testa (Aug 31 2023 at 05:15):

I do not have an answer to your question, but I also discovered this. Which one do you think is correct?

section a in
  end a

section a in
end a

(the indentation is unnecessary, but I thought that it was helpful!)

Damiano Testa (Aug 31 2023 at 05:24):

Also, if you type

section a in
section b

then I was unable to finish this in a way that Lean was happy!

Damiano Testa (Aug 31 2023 at 05:31):

I think that section closes early due to the end inserted by the in. If you do this:

universe u

variable (α : Type u) in
set_option pp.all true in
example {a : α} : 3 = 3 := rfl

depending on the order of the ins, you either do not get the pretty-printing or you do not have α in the example.

Damiano Testa (Aug 31 2023 at 05:33):

My guess is that <whatever> in section basically does nothing (except possibly consuming an end and never complaining about it).

Kyle Miller (Aug 31 2023 at 08:23):

Yeah, the X in Y is section X Y end, so if you do X in section you get section X section end.

This is a consequence to section and end being commands in their own right, rather than being some larger syntactic construct that collects all the commands between them.

Mario Carneiro (Aug 31 2023 at 08:24):

I'm thinking it would be best to just have in detect when the RHS is a section or namespace command and just elaborate A in B in section as section; A; B

Kyle Miller (Aug 31 2023 at 08:25):

I wonder if there should be two levels of commands, with section/namespace/end not being normal commands, which would allow X in section to not parse since section wouldn't be a normal command.

Mario Carneiro (Aug 31 2023 at 08:25):

It's easy enough to make X in section not parse if we want to go that route

Mario Carneiro (Aug 31 2023 at 08:25):

but do we want this to work?

Kyle Miller (Aug 31 2023 at 08:50):

I suppose we could make X in section foo expand to section foo X easily enough, but we'd want to be sure it works with multiple ins

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC