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Stream: lean4

Topic: showing big_step is deterministic

Daniel Bourgeois (Jan 30 2023 at 18:59):

I'm attempting to translate the lean3 example files from Ch8 logical verification course to lean4.

To prove the deterministic theorem, induction on hl seems the way to go,
but deterministic1 gives induction hl fails.

deterministic2 uses match, but the inaccessible variables are preventing

Any suggestions?

abbrev state  : Type := String  Nat

def state.update (name : String) (val : Nat) (s : state) : state :=
  λ n  ite (name = n) val (s n)

inductive stmt : Type
  | skip   : stmt
  | assign : String  (state  Nat)  stmt
  | seq    : stmt  stmt  stmt
  | ite    : (state  Prop)  stmt  stmt  stmt
  | while  : (state  Prop)  stmt  stmt

inductive big_step : stmt × state  state  Prop
| skip {s} :
  big_step (stmt.skip, s) s
| assign {x a s} :
  big_step (stmt.assign x a, s) (state.update x (a s) s)
| seq {S T s t u} (hS : big_step (S, s) t)
    (hT : big_step (T, t) u) :
  big_step (stmt.seq S T, s) u
| ite_true {b : state  Prop} {S T s t} (hcond : b s)
    (hbody : big_step (S, s) t) :
  big_step (stmt.ite b S T, s) t
| ite_false {b : state  Prop} {S T s t} (hcond : ¬ b s)
    (hbody : big_step (T, s) t) :
  big_step (stmt.ite b S T, s) t
| while_true {b : state  Prop} {S s t u} (hcond : b s)
    (hbody : big_step (S, s) t)
    (hrest : big_step (stmt.while b S, t) u) :
  big_step (stmt.while b S, s) u
| while_false {b : state  Prop} {S s} (hcond : ¬ b s) :
  big_step (stmt.while b S, s) s

def deterministic1 {S s l r} (hl : big_step (S, s) l) (hr : big_step (S, s) r) : l = r := by
  induction hl
  -- index in target's type is not a variable (consider using the `cases` tactic instead)

def deterministic2 {S s l r} (hl : big_step (S, s) l) (hr : big_step (S, s) r) : l = r := by
  match hl with
  | big_step.skip =>
    match hr with
    | big_step.skip => rfl
  | big_step.assign =>
    match hr with
    | big_step.assign => rfl
  | big_step.ite_true lcond lbody =>
    match hr with
    | big_step.ite_true rcond rbody => exact (deterministic2 lbody rbody)
    | big_step.ite_false rcond rbody => trivial
  | big_step.ite_false lcond lbody =>
    match hr with
    | big_step.ite_true rcond rbody => trivial
    | big_step.ite_false rcond rbody => exact (deterministic2 lbody rbody)
  | big_step.while_true lcond lbody lrest =>
    match hr with
    | big_step.while_true rcond rbody rrest =>
      --   lcond : b✝ s
      --   lbody : big_step (S✝, s) t✝¹
      --   lrest : big_step (stmt.while b✝ S✝, t✝¹) l
      --   rcond : b✝ s
      --   rbody : big_step (S✝, s) t✝
      --   rrest : big_step (stmt.while b✝ S✝, t✝) r
      -- Would like to:
      --  1. recurse on lbody, rbody to show t✝¹ = t✝
      --  2. replace t✝¹ with t✝
      --  3. recurse on lrest, rrest to show l = r

James Gallicchio (Jan 31 2023 at 16:51):

oh, I feel like this might be a regression of the induction tactic

James Gallicchio (Jan 31 2023 at 16:52):

cuz I think in Lean3 it would generalize (S,s) = s' such that the index is a variable. you can do this manually in Lean4 with the generalize tactic

James Gallicchio (Jan 31 2023 at 16:53):

RE: unreachable names, you can use next a b ... => ... to give names to the most recent unreachable variables

Jannis Limperg (Jan 31 2023 at 17:36):

The induction' tactic which we use for Lean 3 LoVe does generalisation automatically. Stock induction probably doesn't, or at least not correctly. It's actually nicer that Lean 4 induction refuses to operate in this situation instead of doing the likely-wrong thing.

James Gallicchio (Jan 31 2023 at 17:51):

(induction' is defined in Mathlib, in case you weren't importing Mathlib already)

Daniel Bourgeois (Jan 31 2023 at 18:04):

next tactic worked for the deterministic2 attempt, but it looks like using the match approach isn't appropriate because it doesn't show no termination

I'll take a look at the induciton' mathlib tactic :working_on_it:

Mario Carneiro (Jan 31 2023 at 18:33):

James Gallicchio said:

(induction' is defined in Mathlib, in case you weren't importing Mathlib already)

Actually I think that's the wrong induction'

Mario Carneiro (Jan 31 2023 at 18:34):

the mathlib4 induction' tactic is a replacement for lean 3 induction, and lean 3 induction' is still on the todo list (it might have been marked as "skip" because there aren't any uses of it in mathlib)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC