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Stream: lean4

Topic: slow simp in rejecting Subsingleton

Yakov Pechersky (May 05 2023 at 00:03):

Minimized to be std- and mathlib-free. Consider trying to prove that the empty (fin)set is in the univ of a powerset. The simp lemma Fintype.univ_ofSubsingleton tries to fire, and spends a huge amount of time (6 seconds on my machine) struggling to show that, unfortunately, range 2 is not a subsingleton. In mathlib, it's even worse, because it then tries to do the same with IsEmpty.

namespace List

/-- There is only one list of an empty type -/
inductive Perm : List α  List α  Prop
  | nil : Perm [] []
  | cons (x : α) {l₁ l₂ : List α} : Perm l₁ l₂  Perm (x :: l₁) (x :: l₂)
  | swap (x y : α) (l : List α) : Perm (y :: x :: l) (x :: y :: l)
  | trans {l₁ l₂ l₃ : List α} : Perm l₁ l₂  Perm l₂ l₃  Perm l₁ l₃

infixl:50 " ~ " => Perm

protected theorem Perm.refl :  l : List α, l ~ l
  | [] => Perm.nil
  | x :: xs => (Perm.refl xs).cons x

protected theorem Perm.symm {l₁ l₂ : List α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) : l₂ ~ l₁ :=
    (fun x _ _ _ r₁ => .cons x r₁)
    (fun x y l => .swap y x l)
    (fun _ _ r₁ r₂ => .trans r₂ r₁)

theorem Perm.eqv (α) : Equivalence (@Perm α) :=
  Perm.refl, Perm.symm, Perm.trans

instance isSetoid (α) : Setoid (List α) :=
  Setoid.mk (@Perm α) (Perm.eqv α)

variable (R : α  α  Prop)

inductive Pairwise : List α  Prop
  | nil : Pairwise []
  | cons :  {a : α} {l : List α}, ( a', Mem a' l  R a a')  Pairwise l  Pairwise (a :: l)

def Nodup : List α  Prop := Pairwise (·  ·)

def sublists (l : List α) : List (List α) :=
  let f a arr := arr.foldl (init := Array.mkEmpty (arr.size * 2))
    fun r l => (r.push l).push (a :: l)
  (l.foldr f #[[]]).toList

def pmap {p : α  Prop} (f :  a, p a  β) :  l : List α, ( a, Mem a l  p a)  List β
  | [], _ => []
  | a :: l, H => f a sorry :: pmap f l sorry

inductive Sublist {α} : List α  List α  Prop
  | slnil : Sublist [] []
  | cons a : Sublist l₁ l₂  Sublist l₁ (a :: l₂)
  | cons₂ a : Sublist l₁ l₂  Sublist (a :: l₁) (a :: l₂)

scoped infixl:50 " <+ " => Sublist
def Subperm (l₁ l₂ : List α) : Prop :=
   (l : _)(_ : l ~ l₁), l <+ l₂

infixl:50 " <+~ " => Subperm

end List

section Quot

variable {α : Sort u} {r : α  α  Prop} {motive : Quot r  Sort v}

protected abbrev Quot.recOn'
    (q : Quot r)
    (f : (a : α)  motive (Quot.mk r a))
    (h : (a b : α)  (p : r a b)  Eq.ndrec (f a) (Quot.sound p) = f b)
    : motive q :=
 q.rec f h

end Quot

def Multiset.{u} (α : Type u) : Type u :=
  Quotient (List.isSetoid α)

namespace Multiset

def ofList : List α  Multiset α :=
  Quot.mk _

instance : Coe (List α) (Multiset α) :=

def Nodup (s : Multiset α) : Prop :=
  Quot.liftOn s List.Nodup fun _ _ p => propext sorry

def range (n : Nat) : Multiset Nat :=
  List.range n

def powersetAux (l : List α) : List (Multiset α) :=
  (List.sublists l).map (ofList)

def powerset (s : Multiset α) : Multiset (Multiset α) :=
  Quot.liftOn s
    (fun l => (powersetAux l : Multiset (Multiset α)))
    (fun _ _ h => Quot.sound sorry)

def Mem (a : α) (s : Multiset α) : Prop :=
  Quot.liftOn s (fun l => a  l) fun l₁ l₂ (e : l₁ ~ l₂) => propext <| sorry

instance : Membership α (Multiset α) :=

nonrec def pmap {p : α  Prop} (f :  a, p a  β) (s : Multiset α) : ( a, Mem a s  p a)  Multiset β :=
  Quot.recOn' s (fun l H => ofList (List.pmap f l H)) fun l₁ l₂ (pp : l₁ ~ l₂) =>
    funext fun H₂ :  a, List.Mem a l₂  p a =>
      have H₁ :  a, List.Mem a l₁  p a := fun a h => H₂ a sorry
      have :  {s₂ e H}, @Eq.ndrec (Multiset α) l₁ (fun s => ( a, Mem a s  p a)  Multiset β)
          (fun _ => ofList (List.pmap f l₁ H₁)) s₂ e H = ofList (List.pmap f l₁ H₁) := by
        intro s₂ e _ ; subst e; rfl
      this.trans <| Quot.sound <| sorry

protected def Le (s t : Multiset α) : Prop :=
  (Quotient.liftOn₂ s t (· <+~ ·)) fun _ _ _ _ p₁ p₂ =>
    propext sorry

instance : LE (Multiset α) where
  le := Multiset.Le

def attach (s : Multiset α) : Multiset { x // x  s } :=
  pmap Subtype.mk s fun _a => id

end Multiset

structure Finset (α : Type _) where
  val : Multiset α
  nodup : Multiset.Nodup val

namespace Finset

instance : Membership α (Finset α) :=
  fun a s => a  s.1

instance : LE (Finset α) :=
  fun s t =>  a⦄, a  s  a  t

def range (n : Nat) : Finset Nat :=
  Multiset.range n, sorry

def powerset (s : Finset α) : Finset (Finset α) :=
  ⟨(s.1.powerset.pmap Finset.mk) fun _t h => sorry, sorry

instance {α : Type u} : CoeSort (Finset α) (Type u) :=
  fun s => { x // x  s }⟩

def attach (s : Finset α) : Finset { x // x  s } :=
  Multiset.attach s.1, sorry

end Finset


open Function

open Nat

universe u v

variable {α β γ : Type _}

class Fintype (α : Type _) where
  elems : Finset α
  complete :  x : α, x  elems

namespace Finset

variable [Fintype α] {s t : Finset α}

def univ : Finset α :=
  @Fintype.elems α _

end Finset

namespace Fintype

/-- Any subsingleton type with a witness is a fintype (with one term). -/
def ofSubsingleton (a : α) [Subsingleton α] : Fintype α :=
  -- ⟨{a}, fun _ => Finset.mem_singleton.2 (Subsingleton.elim _ _)⟩
  ⟨⟨Quotient.mk' [a], sorry⟩, sorry

theorem univ_ofSubsingleton (a : α) [Subsingleton α] : @Finset.univ _ (ofSubsingleton a) = Quotient.mk' [a], sorry :=

end Fintype

instance Finset.fintypeCoeSort {α : Type u} (s : Finset α) : Fintype s :=
  s.attach, sorry

end Finset

set_option autoImplicit false
#check (⟨⟨Quotient.mk' [], sorry⟩, sorry : (Finset.range 2).powerset)

set_option trace.profiler true
theorem foo : ⟨⟨Quotient.mk' [], sorry⟩, sorry 
    (Finset.univ : Finset ((Finset.range 2).powerset)) := by
  simp (config := {
    maxSteps := 100
    maxDischargeDepth := 1
    contextual := false
    memoize := false
    singlePass := false
    zeta := false
    beta := false
    eta := false
    etaStruct := .none
    iota := false
    proj := false
    decide := false
    arith := false
    autoUnfold := false
    dsimp := false
  }) -- if this line, Fintype.univ_ofSubsingleton fires, and is slow (6 s on my computer)
  -- }) [-Fintype.univ_ofSubsingleton]

Yakov Pechersky (May 05 2023 at 02:00):

This is the unification step that is slow:

[7.749492s]  [?a] =?= List.pmap Subtype.mk
                                          (List.pmap Finset.mk (Multiset.powersetAux (List.range 2))
                                            (_ :
                                               (_t : Multiset Nat),
                                                Multiset.Mem _t (Multiset.powerset (Finset.range 2).val) 
                                                  Multiset.Nodup _t))
                                          (_ :
                                             (_a : Finset Nat),
                                              Multiset.Mem _a (Finset.powerset (Finset.range 2)).val 
                                                Multiset.Mem _a (Finset.powerset (Finset.range 2)).val)

Kevin Buzzard (May 05 2023 at 07:00):

Congratulations on finally minimising this monster!

Yakov Pechersky (May 05 2023 at 13:28):

Even smaller, with no references to any quotients, only lists. Still 1.5 s

class Fintype (α : Type _) where
  elems : List α
  complete :  x : α, x  elems

namespace List

def sublists (l : List α) : List (List α) :=
  let f a arr := arr.foldl (init := Array.mkEmpty (arr.size * 2))
    fun r l => (r.push l).push (a :: l)
  (l.foldr f #[[]]).toList

def pmap {p : α  Prop} (f :  a, p a  β) :  l : List α, ( a, Mem a l  p a)  List β
  | [], _ => []
  | a :: l, H => f a sorry :: pmap f l sorry

def attach (s : List α) : List { x // x  s } :=
  pmap Subtype.mk s fun _a => id

theorem mem_attach (l : List α) :  x, x  l.attach
  | a, h => sorry

instance {α : Type u} : CoeSort (List α) (Type u) :=
  fun s => { x // x  s }⟩

variable [Fintype α]

def univ : List α :=
  @Fintype.elems α _

end List

namespace Fintype

/-- Any subsingleton type with a witness is a fintype (with one term). -/
def ofSubsingleton (a : α) [Subsingleton α] : Fintype α :=
  ⟨[a], fun x => by
    rw [Subsingleton.elim x a]
    exact List.Mem.head []⟩

theorem univ_ofSubsingleton (a : α) [Subsingleton α] : @List.univ _ (ofSubsingleton a) = [a] := rfl

end Fintype

instance List.fintypeCoeSort {α : Type u} (s : List α) : Fintype s :=
  s.attach, mem_attach _

set_option autoImplicit false
#check (⟨[], sorry : (List.range 2).sublists)

set_option trace.profiler true
theorem foo : ⟨[], sorry 
    (List.univ : List ((List.range 2).sublists)) := by
  simp (config := {
    maxSteps := 100
    maxDischargeDepth := 1
    contextual := false
    memoize := false
    singlePass := false
    zeta := false
    beta := false
    eta := false
    etaStruct := .none
    iota := false
    proj := false
    decide := false
    arith := false
    autoUnfold := false
    dsimp := false
  }) -- if this line, Fintype.univ_ofSubsingleton fires, and is slow (1.5 s on my computer)
  -- }) [-Fintype.univ_ofSubsingleton]

Yakov Pechersky (May 05 2023 at 13:29):

Is it that just that univ_ofSubsingleton is a bad simp lemma?

Scott Morrison (May 07 2023 at 07:16):

With set_option trace.Meta.isDefEq true in we get a bit more useful information.

[?a] =?= List.pmap Subtype.mk (List.sublists (List.range 2))
              (_ :
                 (_a : List Nat),
                  List.Mem _a (List.sublists (List.range 2))  List.Mem _a (List.sublists (List.range 2)))

is taking all the time, but mysteriously its children (where it successfully unifies ?a with the head of the RHS, and then fails to unify [] with the tail of the RHS) are fast. I'm not sure where the time is being sucked up.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC