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Stream: lean4

Topic: syntax/macros with iterated definitions

Paul Chisholm (Jan 24 2023 at 04:28):

I am trying to define some notation that is like the if-fi construct in Dijkstra's Guarded Command Language. I started with:

namespace syntax_version

scoped syntax " if " (term " ⟹ " term " ‖ ")+ " ⟹ " term " fi " : term

  | `(if $c₁  $e₁   $e₂ fi) =>
      `(ite $c₁ $e₁ $e₂)
  | `(if $c₁  $e₁  $c₂  $e₂   $e₃ fi) =>
      `(ite $c₁ $e₁ (ite $c₂ $e₂ $e₃))

def select (n : Nat) : String :=
    if n == 0  "zero"
      n == 1  "one"
--     ‖ n == 2 ⟹ "two"
              "> 2"

end syntax_version

which is fine as far as it goes but inadequate because you can't keep adding cases each time you need an extra branch (such as to handle the n == 2 case in the example). I can't see any way to handle the iterated syntax (+).

Syntax categories seem to be a step in the right direction so it became:

namespace syntax_category_version

declare_syntax_cat clause
declare_syntax_cat catchall

scoped syntax term " ⟹ " term  " ‖ " : clause
scoped syntax " ⟹ " term : catchall
scoped syntax (name := iffi) " if " clause+ catchall " fi " : term

  | ?

end syntax_category_version

I have tried to mimic what I see in the notation section of the manual but haven't been able to come up with the correct pattern. What do I need to do here to match the iterated clauses and translate to the corresponding ite calls?

Mario Carneiro (Jan 24 2023 at 04:41):

you use $(e)* to match an expression produced by stx+

Paul Chisholm (Jan 24 2023 at 05:04):

I had tried something along those lines. This sort of thing (ignoring the RHS for the moment):

  | `(catchall|  $e) => `(1)
  | `(clause| c  e ) => `(1)
  | `(iffi| if $cl $(cls)* $ca fi) => `(1)

I have tried various combinations but I always end up with the fi underlined and the error expected catchall.

Paul Chisholm (Jan 24 2023 at 05:10):

Actually, I missed a couple of $ above (in the clause case) which then has an error under the arrow of that case expected ')'.

Sebastian Ullrich (Jan 24 2023 at 08:33):

Using your original syntax:

scoped syntax " if " (term " ⟹ " term " ‖ ")+ " ⟹ " term " fi " : term

  | `(if $c₁  $e₁   $e₂ fi) =>
    `(ite $c₁ $e₁ $e₂)
  | `(if $c₁  $e₁  $[$cs₁  $es₁ ]*  $e₂ fi) =>
    `(ite $c₁ $e₁ (if $[$cs₁  $es₁ ]*  $e₂ fi))

Sebastian Ullrich (Jan 24 2023 at 08:35):

Regarding your second approach, you need to resolve ambiguities around antiquotations manually: in clause| $c ..., c will default to being clause, which means you should use $c:term instead

Paul Chisholm (Jan 24 2023 at 10:52):

Thanks very much for the responses.

It is really nice the way the macro rules are just a kind of recursive definition. I just didn't see that before.

Marcus Rossel (Jan 24 2023 at 17:45):

@Paul Chisholm Are you planning on implementing some model checking related stuff?

Paul Chisholm (Jan 24 2023 at 23:05):

@Marcus Rossel I was really just experimenting with notation. The notation expands to the nested ites. What do you have in mind when you say model checking in this context.

Marcus Rossel (Jan 25 2023 at 07:48):

@Paul Chisholm I mean checking satisfiability of LTL and CTL formulas over a labeled transition system (a la Principles of Model Checking by Baier and Katoen).

Paul Chisholm (Jan 25 2023 at 08:19):

@Marcus Rossel Ok, I haven't come across that previously, though from a quick scan looks very interesting. However, I have no time to investigate further at this stage. (Lean is a personal interest activity for me away from work.)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC