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Stream: lean4

Topic: termination IR check failed unexpected type

Michael Jam (Feb 17 2022 at 12:00):

Here is a mwe where it fails to show termination. Feels a lot like a bug:

def Family (α : Type _) (n : Nat) := Inhabited (Fin n  α)

def all_but_last {α} {n} (f : Family α (n + 1)) : Family α n :=
Inhabited.mk λ k => f.default k.val, Nat.lt_trans k.isLt n.lt_succ_self

def all : {n : Nat}  Family Prop n  Prop
| 0, _ => True
| n + 1, f => all (all_but_last f)

def th : (n : Nat)  (f : Family Prop n)  Decidable (all f)
| 0, f => isTrue ⟨⟩
| n + 1, f => th n (all_but_last f)

The error message is:

fail to show termination for
with errors
IR check failed at 'th', error: unexpected type '◾'

Surprisingly the termination check is repaired if I do any of the following:

  • Remove the useless Inhabited wrapper in Family's def, that is make Family a synonym of Fin n → α
  • Replace α with Prop in all_but_last to specialize a little bit.
  • Remove Decidable and isTrue in th
  • Make th a theorem instead of a def

I am using Lean (version 4.0.0-nightly-2022-02-13, commit 340c331da908, Release)

Thanks for taking a look!

Leonardo de Moura (Feb 17 2022 at 18:51):

Pushed a fix for this.
The error message is a bit misleading. It was a bug in the code generator.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC