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Stream: lean4

Topic: termination compiler app error

Mario Carneiro (Dec 15 2021 at 21:41):

I think the error here is somewhere in the termination checker, but I haven't minimized it further than this:

def heapifyDown (lt : α  α  Bool) (a : Array α) (i : Fin a.size) : Array α :=
  let left := 2 * i.1 + 1
  let right := left + 1
  have left_le : i  left := sorry
  have right_le : i  right := sorry
  have i_le : i  i := Nat.le_refl _
  have j : {j : Fin a.size // i  j} := if h : left < a.size then
    if lt (a.get i) (a.get left, h⟩) then ⟨⟨left, h⟩, left_le else i, i_le else i, i_le
  have j := if h : right < a.size then
    if lt (a.get j) (a.get right, h⟩) then ⟨⟨right, h⟩, right_le else j else j
  if h : i  j then
    let a' := a.swap i j
    have : a'.size - j < a.size - i := sorry
    heapifyDown lt a' j.1.1, a.size_swap i j  j.1.2
termination_by measure fun _, _, a, i => a.size - i.1
decreasing_by assumption

gives an error on the def heapifyDown saying:

application type mismatch
  LE.le snd
argument has type
  Fin (Array.size fst)
but function has type
  Fin x  Fin x  Prop

Leonardo de Moura (Dec 15 2021 at 21:46):

@Mario Carneiro Thanks for reporting the issue. I will be very grateful if you manage to minimize the example.

Mario Carneiro (Dec 15 2021 at 21:47):

smaller version

def heapifyDown (a : Array α) (i : Fin a.size) : Array α :=
  have : i < i := sorry
  heapifyDown a i.1, a.size_swap i i  i.2
termination_by measure fun _, a, i => i.1
decreasing_by assumption

Leonardo de Moura (Dec 15 2021 at 21:47):

Thanks! :)

Mario Carneiro (Dec 15 2021 at 21:47):

removing the a.size_swap i i ▸ makes the error go away. I think the version of the goal in the assumption context is ill typed

Mario Carneiro (Dec 15 2021 at 21:58):

Replacing assumption with done and setting pp.all reveals the context:

unsolved goals
fst✝¹ : Type u_1
fst : Array.{u_1} fst✝¹
snd : Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst)
this : @LT.lt.{0} (Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst)) (@instLTFin (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst)) snd snd
 (@measure.{u_1 + 2}
        (@PSigma.{u_1 + 2, u_1 + 1} (Type u_1)
          fun {α : Type u_1} =>
            @PSigma.{u_1 + 1, 1} (Array.{u_1} α) fun (a : Array.{u_1} α) => Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} α a))
          (x :
          @PSigma.{u_1 + 2, u_1 + 1} (Type u_1)
            fun {α : Type u_1} =>
              @PSigma.{u_1 + 1, 1} (Array.{u_1} α) fun (a : Array.{u_1} α) => Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} α a)) =>
          heapifyDown._unary.match_1.{u_1, 1}
              (x :
              @PSigma.{u_1 + 2, u_1 + 1} (Type u_1)
                fun {α : Type u_1} =>
                  @PSigma.{u_1 + 1, 1} (Array.{u_1} α) fun (a : Array.{u_1} α) => Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} α a)) =>
            fun (x : Type u_1) (a : Array.{u_1} x) (i : Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} x a)) =>
              @Fin.val (@Array.size.{u_1} x a) i).1
    (@PSigma.mk.{u_1 + 2, u_1 + 1} (Type u_1)
      (fun {α : Type u_1} =>
        @PSigma.{u_1 + 1, 1} (Array.{u_1} α) fun (a : Array.{u_1} α) => Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} α a))
      (@PSigma.mk.{u_1 + 1, 1} (Array.{u_1} fst✝¹) (fun (a : Array.{u_1} fst✝¹) => Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ a)) fst
        (@Fin.mk (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst) (@Fin.val (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst) snd)
          (@Eq.ndrec.{0, 1} Nat (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ (@Array.swap.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst snd snd))
            (fun (x : Nat) => @LT.lt.{0} Nat instLTNat (@Fin.val x snd) x)
            (@Eq.ndrec.{0, 1} Nat (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst)
              (fun (x : Nat) => @LT.lt.{0} Nat instLTNat (@Fin.val x snd) x)
              (@Fin.isLt (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst) snd)
              (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ (@Array.swap.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst snd snd))
              (@Eq.symm.{1} Nat (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ (@Array.swap.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst snd snd))
                (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst) (@Array.size_swap.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst snd snd)))
            (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst) (@Array.size_swap.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst snd snd)))))
    (@PSigma.mk.{u_1 + 2, u_1 + 1} (Type u_1)
      (fun {α : Type u_1} =>
        @PSigma.{u_1 + 1, 1} (Array.{u_1} α) fun (a : Array.{u_1} α) => Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} α a))
      (@PSigma.mk.{u_1 + 1, 1} (Array.{u_1} fst✝¹) (fun (a : Array.{u_1} fst✝¹) => Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ a)) fst

which contains a subterm fun (x : Nat) => @LT.lt.{0} Nat instLTNat (@Fin.val x snd✝) x which is ill typed because snd✝ : Fin (@Array.size.{u_1} fst✝¹ fst✝) instead of Fin x. This looks like the kind of replacement that rw will sometimes do that yields the motive is not type correct error in lean 3

Mario Carneiro (Dec 15 2021 at 22:01):

Oh, the termination compiler is a red herring. This has the same error:

def heapifyDown' (a : Array α) (i : Fin a.size) : Array α := sorry
def heapifyDown (a : Array α) (i : Fin a.size) : Array α :=
  heapifyDown' a i.1, a.size_swap i i  i.2

Mario Carneiro (Dec 15 2021 at 22:03):

minimized more:

example (a : Array α) (i : Fin a.size) : i.1 < a.size := a.size_swap i i  i.2

Mario Carneiro (Dec 15 2021 at 22:15):

minimized more:

variable (a : Nat) (i : Fin a) (h : 1 = a)

#check (h  i.2 : i < a) -- h ▸ Eq.symm h ▸ i.isLt : i.val < a

example : i < a := h  i.2
-- application type mismatch
--   i.val
-- argument has type
--   Fin a
-- but function has type
--   Fin x✝ → Nat

The check result is very weird (and there are in fact two Eq.ndrec nodes being generated), but I don't think it is the issue. It seems like this actually is a motive is not type correct error, but it passes elaboration and gets caught late

Leonardo de Moura (Dec 16 2021 at 00:19):

I pushed a fix for this. The notation now type checks the generated motives like the rw tactic.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC