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Stream: lean4

Topic: termination_by proof

Henrik Böving (Feb 20 2022 at 12:04):

Given this declaration:

inductive Foo where
| text : String  Foo
| element : Array Foo  Foo

namespace Foo

def textLength : Foo  Nat
| text s => s.length
| element children =>
  let lengths := children.map textLength
  lengths.foldl Nat.add 0

end Foo

How can I proof textLength terminating? I'm guessing it would be related to the fact that I'm always unwrapping one element per recursive call but I'm not sure how i can express this.

Chris B (Feb 20 2022 at 15:17):

You should be able to use the SizeOf instances for Foo and Array, but this particular use of a nested inductive might not be ready; if you feign having a termination proof, you still get unexpected occurrence of recursive application Foo.textLength.

Henrik Böving (Feb 20 2022 at 15:22):

It shall be a partial in this case!

Chris B (Feb 20 2022 at 15:27):

Something like this will be good for the eventual well-founded docs though, this pattern is pretty common.

Henrik Böving (Feb 20 2022 at 15:30):

Yeah that's why I though it might just work^^ I'd love to help on the well founded docs but I don't really have a full picture on how it works myself yet

Alexander Bentkamp (Feb 20 2022 at 16:56):

I think the main issue is that the recursive call to textLength appears unapplied in your definition. Here is a definition that avoids that:

  def textLength : Foo  Nat
    | text s => s.length
    | element xs =>
      have _ : sizeOf xs < 1 + sizeOf xs := sorry
      textLengthArr xs
  def textLengthArr : Array Foo  Nat
    | {data := []} => 0
    | {data := x :: xs} =>
      have _ : sizeOf x < 1 + (1 + sizeOf x + sizeOf xs) := sorry
      have _ : 1 + sizeOf xs < 1 + (1 + sizeOf x + sizeOf xs) := sorry
      textLength x + textLengthArr {data := xs}
termination_by _ f => SizeOf.sizeOf f

The sorrys should be doable although they certainly make me wish we had linarith already :D

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC