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Stream: lean4
Topic: type error with Prop?
Alexandre Rademaker (Apr 08 2022 at 20:05):
Maybe a stupid mistake... but
variable (x e i h : Type)
variable (_young_a_1 : e → x → Prop)
variable (_boy_n_1 _kid_n_1 _smile_n_1 _man_n_1 : x → Prop)
variable (place_n : x → Prop)
variable (_outdoors_a_1 : e → x → Prop)
variable (_play_v_1 : e → x → i → Prop)
variable (loc_nonsp : e → e → x → Prop)
variable (_smile_v_1 : e → x → i → Prop)
variable (_nearby_p : e → e → Prop)
variable (_and_c : e → e → e → Prop)
variable (_with_p : e → x → x → Prop)
variable (_near_p_state : e → e → x → Prop)
def h₁ : Prop := ∃ i11 i25 e10 e26 e12 e3 e19 e9 e18,
∃ x7, (_young_a_1 e9 x7 ∧ _boy_n_1 x7) ∧
(∃ x13, (place_n x13 ∧ _outdoors_a_1 e18 x13) ∧
(∃ x23, _man_n_1 x23 ∧
(_play_v_1 e10 x7 i11 ∧ loc_nonsp e12 e10 x13 ∧ _and_c e3 e10 e19 ∧ _smile_v_1 e19 x23 i25 ∧ _nearby_p e26 e19)))
def h₂ : Prop := ∃ i9 e3 e23 e16 e10 e17,
∃ x7, _kid_n_1 x7 ∧
(∃ x11, (place_n x11 ∧ _outdoors_a_1 e16 x11) ∧
(∃ x18, (∃ x24, _smile_n_1 x24 ∧ _man_n_1 x18 ∧ _with_p e23 x18 x24) ∧ (_play_v_1 e3 x7 i9 ∧ loc_nonsp e10 e3 x11 ∧ _near_p_state e17 e3 x18)))
#check h₁ → h₂
Why am I getting the error below?
type expected
failed to synthesize instance
((x e i : Type) →
(e → x → Prop) →
(x → Prop) →
(x → Prop) →
(x → Prop) →
(e → x → Prop) →
(e → x → i → Prop) →
(e → e → x → Prop) → (e → x → i → Prop) → (e → e → Prop) → (e → e → e → Prop) → Prop)
Leonardo de Moura (Apr 08 2022 at 20:11):
Note that h₁
is a function that returns Prop
. In th following example f
is not a constant, but a function.
variable (x : Nat)
def f := x + 1
#check f
example : f = fun x => x + 1 := rfl
Alexandre Rademaker (Apr 08 2022 at 21:20):
Sorry for the silly question, yes it makes sense.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC