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Stream: lean4

Topic: typeclass resolution?

Siddharth Bhat (Feb 08 2022 at 20:52):


inductive OpT (OpKind: Type) (Ops: OpKind -> Type -> Type): Type
| mk: (k: OpKind) -> (args: Ops k String)  -> OpT OpKind Ops

class  ToList (f: Type -> Type) where
   toList : f α  List α

instance  [ToList f] : Coe (f α) (List α) where
  coe := ToList.toList

inductive Op: Type
| mk: List String -> Op

-- Messages (1)
-- 21:29:
-- failed to synthesize instance
--  ToList (Ops k)
instance {OpKind: Type} {Ops: OpKind -> Type -> Type} {BBs: OpKind -> Type -> Type}
    {k: OpKind}
    [ToList (Ops k)] : Coe (OpT OpKind Ops) Op where
  coe op :=
    match op with
    | OpT.mk k args=> Op.mk (ToList.toList args)

I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong. As far as I can see, I declare that I want a [ToList (Ops k)] as a pre-requisite for this coercion.

╰─$ lean --version
Lean (version 4.0.0-nightly-2022-01-16, commit 189f4bd372d8, Release)

Henrik Böving (Feb 08 2022 at 21:01):

It does get a little more apparent if you dont name the first and the second k equivalently:

inductive OpT (OpKind: Type) (Ops: OpKind -> Type -> Type): Type
| mk: (k: OpKind) -> (args: Ops k String)  -> OpT OpKind Ops

class  ToList (f: Type -> Type) where
   toList : f α  List α

instance  [ToList f] : Coe (f α) (List α) where
  coe := ToList.toList

inductive Op: Type
| mk: List String -> Op

-- Messages (1)
-- 21:29:
-- failed to synthesize instance
--  ToList (Ops k)
instance {OpKind: Type} {Ops: OpKind -> Type -> Type} {BBs: OpKind -> Type -> Type}
    {k: OpKind}
    [inst : ToList (Ops k)] : Coe (OpT OpKind Ops) Op where
  coe op :=
    match op with
    | OpT.mk k2 args=> Op.mk (ToList.toList args)

leads to:

failed to synthesize instance
  ToList (Ops k2)

which is the actual issue here

Henrik Böving (Feb 08 2022 at 21:02):

you are referring to two different k's in the first and second part of your code and thus the instance is in fact not available here

Henrik Böving (Feb 08 2022 at 21:05):

If you were to change the instance to this:

instance {OpKind: Type} {Ops: OpKind -> Type -> Type} {BBs: OpKind -> Type -> Type}
    [inst :  k : OpKind, ToList (Ops k)] : Coe (OpT OpKind Ops) Op where
  coe op :=
    match op with
    | OpT.mk k2 args=> Op.mk (ToList.toList args)

it can resolve the type class constraint, although I don't know whether this is what you are actually intending.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC