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Stream: lean4
Topic: unapplied lambda in coercion
Kevin Buzzard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:51):
Does this matter? I just noticed it in the port. The LHS can be beta-reduced.
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Bicategory.Basic
namespace CategoryTheory
open Category Bicategory
open Bicategory
universe w₁ w₂ w₃ v₁ v₂ v₃ u₁ u₂ u₃
variable {B : Type u₁} [Quiver.{v₁ + 1} B] [∀ a b : B, Quiver.{w₁ + 1} (a ⟶ b)]
variable {C : Type u₂} [Quiver.{v₂ + 1} C] [∀ a b : C, Quiver.{w₂ + 1} (a ⟶ b)]
variable {D : Type u₃} [Quiver.{v₃ + 1} D] [∀ a b : D, Quiver.{w₃ + 1} (a ⟶ b)]
structure PrelaxFunctor (B : Type u₁) [Quiver.{v₁ + 1} B] [∀ a b : B, Quiver.{w₁ + 1} (a ⟶ b)]
(C : Type u₂) [Quiver.{v₂ + 1} C] [∀ a b : C, Quiver.{w₂ + 1} (a ⟶ b)] extends
Prefunctor B C where
zipWith {a b : B} {f g : a ⟶ b} : (f ⟶ g) → (map f ⟶ map g)
/-- The prefunctor between the underlying quivers. -/
add_decl_doc PrelaxFunctor.toPrefunctor
namespace PrelaxFunctor
attribute [coe] CategoryTheory.PrelaxFunctor.toPrefunctor
instance hasCoeToPrefunctor : Coe (PrelaxFunctor B C) (Prefunctor B C) :=
variable (F : PrelaxFunctor B C)
-- set_option pp.all true
theorem to_prefunctor_obj : (F : Prefunctor B C).obj = F.obj :=
-- ⊢ (↑F).obj = (↑F).obj
But LHS has two unapplied lambdas
⊢ @Eq.{max (u₁ + 1) (u₂ + 1)} (B → C)
(@Prefunctor.obj.{v₁ + 1, v₂ + 1, u₁, u₂} B inst✝⁵ C inst✝³
(@CategoryTheory.PrelaxFunctor.toPrefunctor.{w₁, w₂, v₁, v₂, u₁, u₂} B inst✝⁵
(fun (a b : B) => (fun (a b : B) => inst✝⁴ a b) a b) C inst✝³ (fun (a b : C) => (fun (a b : C) => inst✝² a b) a b)
(@Prefunctor.obj.{v₁ + 1, v₂ + 1, u₁, u₂} B inst✝⁵ C inst✝³
(@CategoryTheory.PrelaxFunctor.toPrefunctor.{w₁, w₂, v₁, v₂, u₁, u₂} B inst✝⁵ (fun (a b : B) => inst✝⁴ a b) C inst✝³
(fun (a b : C) => inst✝² a b) F))
end PrelaxFunctor
Chris Hughes (Feb 15 2023 at 16:49):
The difference is only in the instance arguments right? So I think it should be fine, since those are more aggressively unfolded and checked for defeq when rewriting
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC