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Stream: lean4

Topic: unexpected `variable` behaviour?

Damiano Testa (May 22 2023 at 04:37):

The #mwe below surprises me: it seems that updating the binder type in variable makes the available typeclasses disappear.

class one (A : Type)
class two (A B : Type) [one A]

variable {A B : Type} [one A] [one B]
variable (A)
variable  -- comment `variable`, and `[two A B]` says `failed to synthesize instance one A`
         [two A B]

The analogous Lean 3 code, with variable replaced by variables appears to work.

Is this expected? Am I missing something?

Kevin Buzzard (May 22 2023 at 05:22):

I think that you now can't change binder types and add new instances in the same variable command, for some unknown reason (don't know if this was an oversight or intentional)

Damiano Testa (May 22 2023 at 05:23):

Ok, the workaround is easy, I just wanted to confirm that I was not doing something silly!

Kevin Buzzard (May 22 2023 at 05:35):

Wait I'm confused: this seems to work fine

variable (A : Type)
variable {A} (B : Type)

Damiano Testa (May 22 2023 at 05:37):

Yes, this seems to work. I think that the issue is that when you change the binder type, the instances on the re-bound variable disappear, for the rest of the variable command.

Damiano Testa (May 22 2023 at 05:37):

At least, this is compatible with what I tried.

Kevin Buzzard (May 22 2023 at 05:38):

Sorry, I think that I have seen this issue before and incorrectly diagnosed it at the time. It's more subtle than what I had thought maybe, unless I'm missing something too

Kevin Buzzard (May 22 2023 at 05:43):

Maybe open an issue in a few days unless there is more discussion here?

Damiano Testa (May 22 2023 at 05:47):

Sure, I'll wait to see if there are more comments and otherwise I'll open an issue.

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 06:13):

this is expected behavior (or a known bug, depending on your POV), you can't mix binder updates and regular variables in the same command

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 06:13):

TBH it should be a different keyword

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 06:14):

that is,

variable (A) [two A B]

is declaring another variable named A, without the typeclass assumption of the other one

Damiano Testa (May 22 2023 at 06:25):

Indeed, this also happens:

class one (A : Type)
class two (A : Type) [one A]

variable (A) [one A]
variable {A} [one A] [two A]

example (_ : A) : True := by trivial  -- the tactic state is
A: Type
inst✝² inst✝¹: one A
inst✝: two A
x✝: A
⊢ True

There is one type A and two instances one A.

Kevin Buzzard (May 22 2023 at 06:58):

Mario Carneiro said:

this is expected behavior (or a known bug, depending on your POV), you can't mix binder updates and regular variables in the same command

But that seemed to work fine.

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 06:59):

are you sure it isn't introducing two variables named A?

Kevin Buzzard (May 22 2023 at 07:01):

I'm not sure how to check.

variable (A : Type)
variable (x : A)
variable {A} (B : Type)
variable (y : A)

#check (x,y) -- A × A

Damiano Testa (May 22 2023 at 07:01):

I'm not at my computer now, but I will be soon. How can I check if there are two variables named A?

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 07:02):

I think this shows it is a binder update:

variable (A : Nat)
variable {A} (B : Type)

def foo := (A, B)
#print foo
-- def foo : {A : Nat} → Type → Nat × Type :=
-- fun {A} B => (A, B)

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 07:02):

since I never wrote anything about an implicit variable of type Nat

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 07:21):

Actually it seems my original assertion was incorrect, {A} is treated as a binder update in almost all circumstances, even when there are other things going on in the variable line. However, the variable line is prechecked, and it is this that is failing:

class one (A : Nat)
class two (A : Nat) [one A] := t : Nat

variable (A : Nat) [one A]
variable {A} [two (by exact A)] -- ignore the unreachable tactic linter warning here

def foo := two.t A
#print foo

-- def foo : {A : Nat} → [inst : one A] → [inst : two A] → Nat :=
-- fun {A} [one A] [two A] => two.t A

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 07:23):

Using by exact A here circumvents the precheck, delaying elaboration of the variable body until foo

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 07:23):

the linter is pointing out that the tactic is never run during the variable command

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 07:29):

Oh, here's an interesting behavior:

variable (A : Nat) (B : by skip)
def foo := A = B -- no error is reported

#print foo -- unknown constant 'foo'

Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 07:35):


Mario Carneiro (May 22 2023 at 07:45):

@Sebastian Ullrich What do you think about fixing this issue by identifying binder updates before the precheck, simply by checking if they are binders without type where the variable name is already in scope? And then the precheck would run on the variables with the binder updates filtered out.

Sebastian Ullrich (May 22 2023 at 07:49):

I think I tried that once. It looked messy, but might still be the correct solution.

Adam Topaz (May 22 2023 at 14:26):

There’s a lean4 issue open about this

Sophie Morel (May 30 2023 at 18:07):

Damiano Testa said:

The #mwe below surprises me: it seems that updating the binder type in variable makes the available typeclasses disappear.

class one (A : Type)
class two (A B : Type) [one A]

variable {A B : Type} [one A] [one B]
variable (A)
variable  -- comment `variable`, and `[two A B]` says `failed to synthesize instance one A`
         [two A B]

The analogous Lean 3 code, with variable replaced by variables appears to work.

Is this expected? Am I missing something?

FWIW, I just ran into what I think is the same issue (I updated a variable from implicit to explicit and lost a previously declaredFintype instance on it). As you mentioned, the workaround is easy, I'm just glad that I had read and so was confused only for a short while.

Damiano Testa (May 30 2023 at 18:09):

I am happy that this was helpful! If I understand correctly, if you update with variable (A), instead of variable (A : Type _), you may still get the instances on the previously defined variable A.

Damiano Testa (May 30 2023 at 18:17):

variable (A) [a : Add A]
#synth Add A  -- finds `a`

variable {A}
#synth Add A  -- finds `a`

variable {A : Type _} --[Add A]
#synth Add A  -- failed to synthesize `Add A`

Sophie Morel (May 30 2023 at 19:47):

Damiano Testa said:

I am happy that this was helpful! If I understand correctly, if you update with variable (A), instead of variable (A : Type _), you may still get the instances on the previously defined variable A.

Yes, I tested in a MWE and in my working file, and it seems that I am keeping my Fintype instance through several updates. Thanks !

Eric Wieser (May 30 2023 at 21:38):

Damiano Testa said:

If I understand correctly, if you update with [...] instead of variable (A : Type _)

variable (A : Type _) is not an update at all, it's "create a new A in addition to the old one"

Damiano Testa (May 30 2023 at 21:41):

Yes, I expressed it badly: variable can perform two separate actions.

  • It can introduce previously non-existing variables (possibly making inaccessible pre-existing ones);
  • it can modify the binder type of previously existing variables.

Some of the examples are confusing, because they mix these two behaviours. I think that someone, maybe Mario, even commented that it would have been clearer if these two actions had different names.

Sophie Morel (May 30 2023 at 22:04):

Eric Wieser said:

Damiano Testa said:

If I understand correctly, if you update with [...] instead of variable (A : Type _)

variable (A : Type _) is not an update at all, it's "create a new A in addition to the old one"

Ah, that makes more sense now, thank you for the explanation!

Eric Wieser (Jul 23 2023 at 22:06):

I've opened #6079 which corrects hundreds of accidentally-duplicated-variables in mathlib, though I imagine it will take some work to get it through CI

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 24 2023 at 01:25):

Build fails

Sebastien Gouezel (Jul 24 2023 at 05:35):

Is it a bug in variable, that we should try to fix instead of circumventing it? Or is it by design?

Eric Wieser (Jul 24 2023 at 08:16):

I don't know whether this is a bug or by design, nor it seems does Mario:

@Mario Carneiro said:

this is expected behavior (or a known bug, depending on your POV), you can't mix binder updates and regular variables in the same command

Mario Carneiro (Jul 24 2023 at 19:33):

Note that what I said there was wrong, see the follow up message:

Mario Carneiro said:

Actually it seems my original assertion was incorrect, {A} is treated as a binder update in almost all circumstances, even when there are other things going on in the variable line. However, the variable line is prechecked, and it is this that is failing:

class one (A : Nat)
class two (A : Nat) [one A] := t : Nat

variable (A : Nat) [one A]
variable {A} [two (by exact A)] -- ignore the unreachable tactic linter warning here

def foo := two.t A
#print foo

-- def foo : {A : Nat} → [inst : one A] → [inst : two A] → Nat :=
-- fun {A} [one A] [two A] => two.t A

Eric Wieser (Jul 24 2023 at 20:30):

Would you vote against salvaging #6079 then?

Eric Wieser (Oct 30 2023 at 22:33):

Did we ever decide whether this was a bug? I raise in https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/pull/2645/files#r1358511268 (cc @David Thrane Christiansen) that we should document that mixing binder updates and new variables is a bad idea, but it's hard to justify something where no one knows if its a feature.

Patrick Massot (Oct 30 2023 at 22:59):

From the UX point of view it is definitely a bug. And it is confusing when porting Lean 3 code.

Eric Wieser (Oct 30 2023 at 23:13):


David Thrane Christiansen (Oct 31 2023 at 07:58):

Thank you!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC